Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 11, 1 November 2016 — DHHL opens up new lots [ARTICLE]
DHHL opens up new lots
Last month, more than 30 homesteaders were welcomed into the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands' newest community, Kaka'ina in Waimānalo. The Kaka'ina Lot Selection Ceremony drew 3 1 beneficiaries to choose from 45 lots on the 7-acre subdivision near Waimānalo Shopping Center. At the ceremony, beneficiaries could choose a turnkey home or a vacant lot and a self-help option will be available for those who meet ineome requirements. Undivided leases to these 5,000-square-foot residential lots were first awarded in 2006. More lot selection ceremonies are planned for the next two years, including on Lāna'i, Kaua'i andMaui.