Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2016 — Dill honored tor commit ment to keiki, ʻohana [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Dill honored tor commit ment to keiki, ʻohana
Partners in Development eofounder Jan Edward Hanohano Dill received the Order of Ke Ali'i Award last month from the Pauahi
Foundation and Kamehameha Schools. Dill, a Kamen hameha graduate > and Fulbright r Scholar, eo-
tounded the Partners in Development Foundation to support Native Hawaiian ehil-
dren and tamihes through eariy education, foster care training, support for homeless, youth mentoring and enrichment programs. PIDF's programs, such as the Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschool, incorporate Hawaiian values and perspectives. "I was fascinated with the idea of taking preschool to the rural eommunities, the poor communities that couldn't access or afford preschool," Dill said.
' 'We put together an amazing, complete, comprehensive preschool and we'd go to churches, community centers and other public areas to teach children." The award recognizes those who have selflessly donated time, dedication and service to their community, and whose character and leadership are consistent with the spirit of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Jan Edward Hanohano Dill. - Photo: Courtesy Kamehameha Schools