Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2016 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
SUPPORT NATIVE HAWAIIAN-OWNEO BUSINESSES ■ DKUVv jt. inUli jUrrUK I. KaWaiOlaisproudtoshowcaseNativeHawaiian-ownedbusinesses f/*S£8^B ^110' t'10'r enc'eavors to build a strong and vibrant economy.
* open to the public! jo book services online, eall or visit our website at 'Hf HOURS 0F OPERATION; Tuesday - Saturday www.MakanaAcademy.com Q-riū AM tO ri PM *fsi y,J J "MENTION THIS AD T0 RECEIVE Sutiday 0% 0ff any fac)al service. 1 ī«, fu fzt, jfane>nun 9:30 AM tO 5 PM ONē DISCOUNT PER CLIENT. Jm
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Quality Counts and Loeal Matters L 1 maui earft|rey 4 1 1 I ^j|iy blocL lea ,
Lie. #0-15594 |»MASONRY fl lL Billy Fields F <■ PH (808)325-6136 % FAX (808) 325-5290 l)f -\-^k pohakufields@hawaii.rr.com CULTURAL RESTORATION RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL
Little Bites of Heaven specializes in authentic French desserts and delicious loeal favorites. From wedding cakes to cupcakes...custom-designed cookies to French macarons, we are sure to bring a smile to your face. Come enjoy our sweet creations every Wednesday at the Blaisdell FarmePs Market from 4 to 7pm. Or contact us for information about dessert orders & pastry classes. www.littlebitesofheaven.net ( 808)354-1754
,i^n Scott Carter Emeralcl Builclers LLC is a loeal General General Contractor Contracting firm locatecl on the Big Islancl of | Hawaii anel in operation since March of 2005 specializing in custom resiclential homes, / home aclclitions anel renovations. License ■ ■ 6^-25384 anel fally insured. We will help you design, build, and eomplete your home. MattyKeith Partner