Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2016 — Homegrown Holidays for the [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Holidays for the

By Lindsey Kesel

Artist Solomon Enos

Grace someone special with the gift of original art from revered Native Hawaiian visionary Solomon Enos, whose powerful themes explore ancestry and identity. Now available in giclee print, his 16-painting series Realm of Pō was created aboard the research vessel Hi'ialakai while on expedition to the sacred Papāhanaumokuākea

Marine National Monument. Nā Mea Hawai'i, Solomonenos.com. Bess Press Written by Lee Cataluna, "Ordinary 'Ohana" follows young Kainoa as he describes his lively and diverse family using generationsold Hawai'i family traditions blended with a modern, open sensibility. This book is perfect for any child, whether immersed in a non-tradi-tional family or simply trying to understand that families often look very different, but share the eommon roots of love. Besspress.com.

Mountain Apple | Records

Mele Kalikimaka-An lsland Style Christmas features 16 beloved Hawaiian entertainers like Troy Fernandez and Ka'au Crater Boys to warm your hearts and get your holidays humming. Or give the commemorative 2-disc CD Kamaka Ukulele Presents: Keep Strumming, whieh celebrates thp instnimpnt maknr's 100th anni\/nrsarv

with 24 songs from ukulele virtuosos like Jake Shimabukuro and vocalists like Raiatea Helm. Mountainapplecompany.com.

Kapa Hawaii

ūalani Tanahyhas been handmaking wearable and decorative Hawaiian kapa for over 20 years in the traditional style. All kapa are made to order, so you ean customize eaeh piece's colors and patterns to suit your loved one's unique tastes. She also offers kapa-making classes and consultations. Kapahawaii.com.

— \ / Ka lau 'oliwa a ke aloha I / "The olive leafoflove" describes a gift kindly given."

Gifts of Aloha, Made With Aloha

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