Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 11, 1 November 2016 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Actions
The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on board actions, please see the complete meeting minutes posted online at http://www.oha.org/BOT.
- LEGEND i 'Ae (Yes) 9 'A'ole (No) i Kānalua (Abstain) 9 Excused
Mootion to approve to approve the Chair's appointment of the Ad Hoe Committee on Charter Schools, with Trustee Lei Ahu Motion passed with sixAYES lsa as Chair, Ms. Lisa Watkins-Victorino as Vice Chair, and Ms. Moniea Morris as Member. and three EXCUSED. Moīion to approve to approve the recommendation by OHA administrative staff to terminate Goldman Sachs Asset Manage- Motion passed with sevenAYES, one ment (GSAM) as lnvestment Advisor for traditional global equity, fixed ineome, and real estate. ABSTENTiON and, one EXCUSED. Motion to approve to approve an OHA Resolution, "Thanking all the Service Providers, Contractors, and other Partners Motion passed with seven who graciouslyassisted the Office of Hawaiian Affairs in its illegal campingenforcementaction in Wahiawā" AYES and two EXCUSED.
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