Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2016 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Businesses of
Kahali'ionapua 342-0810 nkaonohi@hawaiiantel.net Floral designs S party planning plus - Napua Germano Honolulu Premier Flooring LLC 389-9388 honolulupremierflooring@gmail.com Quaiity eommem'ai tlooring - Pua Corpuz Novelty Studios 224-0558 novelty-studios.com Story driven photos & video of events, or to inhuenee - Shaneika Aguilar Pūlama 375-1886 puamanacrabbedesigns@gmail.com Sewing & design haiau for beginner, intermediate - Puamana Crabbe
Caregiver's Heart Hawai'i LLC 425-5101 caregivershearthawaii.com Find senior care home placement - Ku'unani De Monte iheartpolynesia 354-1657 iheartpolynesia.com Designs S sells Polynesian dance costumes -PuananiElia Hawaii Service Providers 282-9679 HawaiiServiceProviders.com iHeh design, effective marketing solutions - Neal Manutai Diva Cheer Apparels 979-1455 Designs S manufactures affordable, guality cheerleading uniforms - Iwalani McBrayer
0'ahu Chem-Dry 308-3160 oahuchemdry.com Cleans Rugs, Upholstery Stone, īile - Fast DryS Green - Naeole McFadden Poetry in Motion 221-8102 tamara.moan.com Poetry on Demand for events S celebrations - īamana Moan Kailua General Store 171 Hamakua Dr„ Ste. D, Kailua, Hl 96734 261-5740 kailuageneralstore.com Loeal Made - Steven Parker Hawaiian Culinary Consultants 381-73 25 Make your restaurant dreams eome true, or close your nightmare - William īrask
Entrepreneurship course and business services funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, 0ffice of Native American Affairs. Reasonable Honolulu, Hl 96813 - (808) 596-8990 accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if reguested at least two weeks in advance. Please contact Martha at Hi'ilei Aloha for details, marthar@hiilei.org or 596.8990.