Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 10, 1 October 2016 — CARE ABOUT HAWAIʻI? [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Let your voice be heard by voting
There are numerous issues our elected officials will face as they work to build a better Hawai'i, whether it has to do with protecting our food and water sources, healthcare or building affordable housingfor kama'āina. The choices made by the people that represent us, at all levels - federal, state and loeal, are far reaching and ean potentially affect all Hawai'i residents as well as future generations. To help our readers make an informed decisions at the polls, every election year, the Ka Wai Ola surveys the eandidates asking where they candidates stand on key issues, and publishestheirresponses.This Special General Election guide includes the unedited responses from candidates in the federal, state and Office of Hawaiian Affairs races. Highlight the names of those that best align with where you stand on the issues and take the guide with you to the polls.
ŪŪĒIP I www.oha.org