Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2016 — PAPAHĀNAUMOKUĀKEA TIMELINE [ARTICLE]
CONTINUED June - George February28 H»^W n , A..rt..on: nu» ,h„ d„,„, rA^J _ . . w. Bush issued a Presidential - Presidential holders are bought out of July 30-TheWorld August 5 and ^E^*W p«tahīkhPf! "thP Proclamation establishing the Proclamation renames isoneoftwosites theMonument,aheadofthe Heritage Committee of Manaa^ o?? Northwestern Hawaiian lslands the Monument the °fflc|ally nominated Proclamation's 2011 commercial UNESC0 unanimously inscribes its Papahanau- Management Board host an all-day E^^W Maninp^pmoi W>^*W Marine National Monument, whieh W^^^W Papahānaumokuākea to the UNESC0 World fishing phase-out deadline. Papahānaumokuākea as a p^nonam83 Manne Refuge. includesalloftheaboverefuges, Marine National h m July8-OHABoardofTrustees mixed World Heritage Site. Program. ^outttemonumentsr^ources sanctuariesandreserves. MonumenL United States. yj vote supporting the nominahon. and efforts to protect them.