Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 8, 1 August 2016 — New visitor guide available for Maunakea [ARTICLE]

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New visitor guide available for Maunakea

The Office of Maunakea Management has created a new brochure highlighting the cultural, archaeologieal, natural and scientific resources for those visiting Maunakea. The "Maunakea Heritage and Natural Resources Guide" stresses safe, respectful and responsible exploration, as well as the eoncept of mālama 'āina, taking care of the land. From the cultural significance of the pu'u (cinder cones) to the significance of the summit area, the guide highlights the natural history and historical origins of this special plaee that Hawaiians are deeply connected to and eonsider sacred. A heritage section explains how Hawaiians referenee three regions: Wao Akua, the realm of the gods and spirits; Wai La'alā'au, used for hunting and gathering; and Wai Nahele, where resources were gathered for canoes, homes and crafts. Free copies of the guide are available at the Office of Maunakea Management's offices in Hilo and the Visitor Information Station at Halepōkahu. It's also available online at malama maunakea.org/visitor-information. ■