Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2016 — HANAPI, ALAPAI [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
>► Q1 RESPONSE: Stop the Memorandum of Agreements between OHA, the State of Hawai'i. We the people need to consensus the issues and concerns of our Lāhui. Memorandums of Agreement destroy the physical, mental and spiritual fabric of our Kanaka Maoli Culture, customs and traditions.
>► Q2 RESPONSE: Total Independence and Sovereignty comes from us, not the State or Federal level. Recognition is there, stop the illusion! Trust is necessary because without tmst we cannot move forward. >► Q3 RESPONSE: Living on Kuleana kai we have personally experienced neglicient permitting by the government and the non enforcement of the non-permittees who have destroyed our life giving environment and it continues. We live on an island 32 miles long and 10 miles wide at its widest. Whatever happens mauka affects the kai/moana immediately. Who's enforcing the Clean Water Act and all it's grey areas pertaining to Hawaii nei? If we cannot save and protect our own immediate environment how ean we think or act on global. It's like our people. If we cannot take care of the one, how ean we take care of the many? Heahh disparities are a sad fact. If you have wealth most likely you will have good health. The rest of us will have to accept whats given. Disparity of wealth deserves a forum of it's own. There's all kinds of weahh according to eaeh worldwide Culture and I'm not going to comment on it at this time. Our Queen Liliuokalani onee said "Aloha is for our Lāhui, ano ai is for everybody else." As the indigenous people of these islands called Hawai'i nei, we have shared our custom and belief in Aloha to everyone else. However, if we pertain it to a global issue we must have our own sovereign nahon. We need our seat back at the United Nations table! Our Mana, Our Ancestral values and standards ean only be shared in that way. Not by the State of Hawaii or the United States of America. What is ours is ours, what is theirs is theirs. In conclusion, I say, look to the past to protect our future! ■