Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 7, 1 July 2016 — MAKEKAU, KEALI'I [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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>► Q1 RESPONSE: Sadly the majority of the BOT has let eeonomie opportunities like a medical marijuana dispensary and the development of the kaka'ako makai properties, "whieh for all tense and purposes should and would }deld great hnaneial returns for the tmst" purnnselv rpmainprl sidplinprl with nnt a mastpr

plan either do to incompetence or instmctions that the new tribal entity will have the first shot at that and more. If it ever does comes about? Meanwhile reduced spending and an independent fiscal forensic audit are needed to ensure the sustainability of the tmst and corpus assets to ensure OHA's mandate is fulfilled. >► Q2 RESPONSE: Question is loaded, with out merit and let alone biased!!! The only Nahon that ever existed by and for Nā Kanaka the people and Hawaiians is the Kingdom of Hawai'i, yet OHA has done every thing possible to promote, fund and continue the usurpation of the kingdom's government while funding an extremely costly and unlawful process to reorganize the Kingdom and Hawaiians into a domestic dependent tribe. The reinstatement process of nahon building has never been brought up, examined or afforded resources via symposiums, academic debate and community dialogue. Until such time as that happens justice and complete respect to the law and sprit of our ancestors will not be realized. >► Q3 RESPONSE: Hawai'i State Constitution, Article XII The board of trustees of the Office of Haw aiian Affairs shall exercise power as provided by law: to manage and administer the proceeds from the sale or other disposition of the lands, natural resources, minerals and ineome derived from whatever sources for native Hawaiians and Hawaiians, including all ineome and proceeds from that pro rata portion of the 1rust referred to in section 4 of this article for native Hawaiians; to formulate policy relating to affairs of native Hawaiians and Hawaiians; and to exercise control over real and personal property set aside by state, federal or private sources and transferred to the board for native Hawaiians and Hawaiians. The board shall have the power to exercise eontrol over the Office of Hawaiian Affairs through its executive officer, the administrator of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, who shall be appointed by the board. We have to mālama Hawai'i's people and environmental resources, and OHA's assets, toward ensuring the perpetuation of the culture, the enhancement of lifestyle anel the protection of entitlements of Native Hawaiians, while enabling the building of a strong and healthy Hawaiian people and nation. In order to achieve our Priorities and Strategic Results, we must stay focused on the roles of advocate, researcher, asset manager and eommunity engager to improve conditions for all Native Hawaiians through systemic change. This ean only happen with new trustees so please vote! ■