Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2016 — 2016 Legislative End of Session Highlights of Bills that Passed whieh will affect all of us... [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
2016 Legislative End of Session Highlights of Bills that Passed whieh will affect all of us...
IV il ahalo for last month's Ka
MWai Ola' s report on Native Hawaiian/OHA bills. but I would like to add other Bills that passed that affect Education, Heahh, Homeless, Keiki, and Kupuna, among others that are awaiting the Governor's signature. EDUCATI0N > Preschool Education - Appropriates $10,000,000 for Preschool Open Doors, whieh would increase the number of children served from about
1,200 to 2,000. HB1700 > Technology in Schools - Supports digital learning and the use of technology in public schools by defining curricular materials to include both printed and digital material and clarifying that monies for curricular materials ean be used for digital formats. HB2267 > Essential Services for Keiki - Appropriates additional $5,215,919 forincreased electricity costs, an additional $6,984,689 for public school transportation services and $16,984,791 for school needs (Weighted Student Formula.) HB1700 > Concussion Program for Student Athletes - Appropriates $450,000 for a "Concussion " monitoring and awareness program for youth athletics, and administers concussion testing to high school student athletes. SB2557 > High School Credit for Keiki - Recognizes American Sign Language as a language that allows public school students who pass this course to receive credit toward their language requirement for graduation. SB2981 KUPUNA > Kupuna Care - Funds $3,000,000 for Kupuna Care elderly services. HB1700 > Unannounced Inspection of Care Homes - Requires the Department of Heahh to conduct unannounced visits and inspections, including those required for relicensing or recertification of certain state-licensed or state-certified care facilities, such as site-based day facilities, residential care facilities, and long-term facilities for adults. SB2384 > Funds for Elderly Services - Appropriates $1,700,000 for aging and disability resource centers to provide services and referrals to the state's elderly and aging population. HB1878 > Care Act - Requires hospitals to adopt and maintain written discharge policies and provide discharge instructions to caregivers. HB2252
> Infiationary Adjustment for I,ong-
term Care Facilities - Provides $1,553,599 to increase reimbursement rates for long-term care facilities by providing an inflationary adjustment used to reimburse facilities for the long-term care of Medicaid recipients. HB1943 HEALĪH > Food Production Tax Credit - Estabhshes an Organic Foods Production Tax Credit applicable to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2016, and ending December
31,2021. HB1689 > Protection from Dengue Fever and Other Heahh Threats - Provides $1,270,120 and adds 20 positions for management of the Dengue Fever outbreak and newly emerging public heahh threats, such as the Zika virus. HB 1700 > Heahh Insurance Coverage for Sexuahy Transmitted Diseases - Requires all insurers to provide insurance coverage for annual screenings for sexually transmitted diseases, including screenings for human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HB1897 > Prescription Contraceptive Supphes - Expands access to prescription contraceptives by requiring insurers to cover reimbursements for prescription contraceptive supplies intended to last up to a 12-month period for an insured patient. SB2319 H0MELESS > Homeless Services - Provides $12 millon for various homeless programs. HB1700 > Homeless Sheher Requirements - Implements performance measure requirements for homeless shelters. SB2559 > Mental Heahh Services - Appropriates $500,000 for treatment and care of homeless individuals with serious and persistent mental heahh challenges to enable them to reside in a permanent dwelling or homeless facility. SB2560 . . ,and, last but not least. . . > The Penahies for Animal Abandonment - Establishes penalties for the offense of pet animal desertion. Imposes a fine of $1,000 for the desertion and a fine of $2,000 for recklessly causing the death of or substantial bodily injury of the abandoned pet animal or equine animal. SB2512 Me Ke Aloha Pumehana, A hui hou, Trustee Leina'ala ■
fc7/for's note: in accordance with an Office ofHawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees policy based on state ethics guidelines, any trustee running for re-election is suspended from publishing his or her regular eolumn until the elections are eompieie, except for those trustees running unopposed.
LEina aia Ahu lsa, Ph.D. Trustee, At-large