Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 7, 1 July 2016 — CULTURAL STEWARDS RFQ -- LULUKU, OʻAHU [ARTICLE]
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hālawa-Luluku Interpretive Development (HLID) Project, has selected the Luluku Farmers' Association and Aloha 'Aina Heahh & Learning Center (LFA and AHLC) as a partnership for steward of the Luluku HLID project area located on State lands managed by the Hawai'i Department of Transportation. Selection took plaee in a fair and objective manner as prescribed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ)No. HLID-2016-01. The original RFQ is provided on the OHA
website, www.oha.org/ solicitations. Steward appointment is for no monetary compensation. If there are any objections to OHA selecting the LFA and AHLC partnership for stewardship of the HLID Luluku project area, then we encourage anyone to provide a protest in writing to the HLID Project Coordinator, Lanee G.M. La Pierre at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Honolulu, Hawai'i, 96817, Attn: HLID Stewardship RFQ Protest, within ten (10) working days of this posting. Any questions are directed to mahil@oha.org or 594-1782. ■