Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 7, 1 July 2016 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Apply from the comfort of your home MĀLAMAL£)AN i Hb m • Home improvement ^HW I iAA ^ ^Hl, rjH^Pr Tl ' I . iMKi||B^r^^H _J\ /"^ H^lh *m? « 1' ^ J ^HnL l^L jL - -4H mK^Uh^^Ē^ J? jHtf ^ ^HH

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Apply today! Visit www.oha.org/malamaloan Paying for coLLege, making home repairs, starting or expanding your fc business, the MāLama Loan from OHA ean heLp you ^^^^^^chieve your goaLs.

AppLications for MaLama Loans wiLL now be accepted onLine atwww.OHA.org. AppLy from the comfort of your own home or visit one of OHA's offices to appLy in person. For more information, eaLL (808) 594-1924 or emaiL nhrlf@ohaloanfund.org, or eome and visit any of our offices.

Office Locations

O'ahu - HonoLuLu 560 N. Nimitz Highway, Suite 200 HonoLuLu, Hl 96817 Phone: (808) 594-1888 Fax: (808) 594-1865

East Hawai'i (HiLo) Wailoa Plaza, Suite 20-CDE 399 HuaLani Street HiLo, Hl 96720 Phone: (808) 933-3106 Fax: (808) 933-3110

West Hawai'i (Kona) 75-1000 Henry Street, Suite 205 KaiLua-Kona, Hl 96740 Phone: (808) 327-9525 Fax: (808) 327-9528

MoLoka'i KūLana 'Ōiwi (Call for an appointment) Kaunakakai, Hl 96748 Phone: (808) 560-3611 Fax: (808) 560-3968

Lana'i (Call for an appointment) Lāna'i City, Hl 96763 Phone: (808) 565-7930 Fax: (808) 565-7931

Kaua'i & Ni'ihau 4405 Kukui Grove Street, Suite 103 Līhu'e, Hl 96766-1601 Phone: (808) 241-3390 Fax: (808) 241-3508