Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 6, 1 June 2016 — Small Business Workshop Empowers East Hawaiʻi Beneficiaries [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Small Business Workshop Empowers East Hawaiʻi Beneficiaries

By Kamuela Bannister The OHA Hilo Resource Center hosted an I Mana Ka Lāhui (IMKL) workshop in April that connected East Hawai'i beneficiaries to resources that could enahle themto start or expand their business or nonprofit organizations. More than 30 attendees participated, including members of various East Hawai'i homestead associations, representatives from Hawaiian nonprofit agencies, and the general Hawaiian community. Beneficiaries were provided great resources to assist them in achieving their goals. Nancy King, Grant Specialist of OHA, presented OHA's grant eligibility requirements, processes, and hmeline for Hawaiian nonprofits seeking grant funding. Information about OHA's Mālama Loan program, whieh helps Native Hawaiians obtain access to credit for their startup business or to expand their existing business, was also presented. Kanoelani Pu'uohau, Senior Business Advisor of the Hawai'i Small Business Development Center (SBDC), discussed tools that support business success such as creating business plans, different business contracts and models, legal issues, and free services offered at the SBDC. Owner of Aloha Maiden, April Kapi'olani Brobst is an OHA Mālama Loan recipient and SBDC client whose cleaning company experienced growth in the three years it has been in operation. April presented the audience with

successes and challenges that her business has gone through. She spoke on the importance of record keeping, payroll processes, and giving back to the eommunity. "I give thanks to the OHA Mālama Loan programand the SBDC that helped me to see my vision heeome reality," she said. "SBDC offers free services that benefit OHA's Mālama Loan applicants with their business endeavors." The message of the day was set by Mr. Ron Kodani, Panaewa Hawaiian Homelands Community Association President, who said, "Knowledge is the key and with the knowledge from this I Mana Ka LElui workshop you are obligated to pass on the information to others. By doing so we ean look forward to a prosperous East Hawai'i Hawaiian Business Community." The OHA Hilo Resource Center would like to send a mahalo to Kanoelani Pu'uohau of the SBDC, Nancy King of OHA's grants department, and April Kapiolani Brobst; Unele Louis Hao of DHHL for the use of the DHHL- East Hawai'i conference room; and Unele Ron and Aunty Doreen Kodani for their support and ono food! ■ OHA 's IMKL program empowers Native Hawaiians through activiti.es that educate 011 topi.es related to OHA's six strategic prioriti.es, whi.eh inehule Eeonomie SelfSufficiency. Contact your loeal OHA Community Outreach Coordinator and inquire about OHA 's IMKL program.

More than 30 East Hawai'i beneficiaries attended 0HA's business workshop in Hilo. - Photo: Courtesy: Ronald Mani