Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 5, 1 Mei 2016 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit a 1 1 submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail w. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!

AHLO/ALO 3 -day reunion is being held on July 15-17, 2016 in Ka'a'awa, in honor of the past and present 'ohana of the descendants of ABRAHAM AMANA AHLO and JULIANA HIILANI AH NEE ANI. Descendents include their children: John Amina, Juliana, Alexander Amana, Henry Kilianu, Bernard Stevens, Gilbert Francis, Peter Clement, Abraham Herman, Julia Cecilia, Lorita Malia and Emma Mercy. All family are warmly encouraged and welcomed, "E Komo Mail" For a Facebook invite to our private group "Ahlo Ohana Reunion" or genealogy updates please email: ahloreunion@hawaii.rr.com. AKAU -We are having a family reunion in Waimea, Hawai'i, June 10 - 12, 2016. We need a head count no later than May 20, 2016 so we know how mueh food to prepare for the 5:00 p.m. on Sat. June 11. Hui 'Ohana 'o Akau are descen-

dants of Ching Sen/Kamakahema Awa: William P.M. Akau/Kealoha Kalaluhi - Abraham Akau/ Aliee Ahina, Euniee Akau/Solomon Kuahine, Elizabeth Akau/Maek Kalahiki, Theodore Akau/ Mary Keawe; William P.M. Akau/Lydia Awaa - John Akau/Rose Lokia, Apitai Akau/Margaret Arthur, Lydia Akau/Andrew Ako, Alexander Akau/Mary Ako, Caroline Akau/Samuel Kaleleiki, David Akau, William Akau, Barbara Chock; Pekina Akeni/Goo Kim Seu - Ah Sing KimSeu/Hattie Kauwe, Arthur KimSeu/Martha Coelho, Amoe KimSeu/Robert Naeole, Allen KimSeu/Alice Nahakuelua, Ernest KimSeu/Mary Kahookano, Abby Goo/Daniel Bush & Ernest Chang, Mabel KimSeu; Apitai Akeni/Kahana Maluwaikoo - Annie Apikai/Solomon Kuahine, John Apitai/Adeline Young. Contacts: Solomon Kuahine 808-382-9525 or 808-455-8102, ,Arthur Akau 808-780-6085.

FOSTER-KEPOO - Descendants of James Enos Foster Kepoo wife Helen Kahelemauna Waipakealohapauole, 'Ohana Sarah, Rodger, Mary, Henery, Enos, Jack, William, Arthur, Frank, Virgina, Helen, Roy and James. We will be having a reunion Sept. 2-4, 2016, Ma'ili Beach Park, Wai'anae, O'ahu. Potluck. Cost of perm.it for those days is $25 to include 20 pop tents, (2) 20x40 eanopies and 20 parking stalls. Balance will be used for this special event. One time donation of $25 per household family is requested. Cook-off contest Saturday night. More activities planned. Contact Lovey Toki - mom Sarah 808-961-4988 and Momilani Dando - dad Enos 808-242-1408. We are spearheading this event. Please plan now. We would truly love to see all of you there. Mahalo. Send payment to: Lovey Toki 38 Kilua Road; Hilo, Hawai'i 96720. - E kala mai - in the March issue the KaWai Ola printed the incorrect price per household. The correct price is $25.

KAINA - Henry & Sarah Kaina 'Ohana Reunion - Our first Henry & Sarah Kaina Family Reunion will be held on July 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2016 at the Kihei VFW Hall on Maui. The deadline for the attendance and payment forms is April 30th, 2016. If you have not received them or would like more information, please contact Diane at (808) 760-8965 or email me at deeshay6@aol.com. KAUAUA - Reunion July 16 & 17, 2016 at Kahana State Park. Come one eome all descendants of KAUAUA to KAUAI-O-KALANI K ANAE. We hope to see all our ohana. For questions and registration application please contact Don Flaminio at 808-523-1048 KAUHOLA KAPAHI Ohana Reunion. Aug. 5-7, 2016. Maui Island. "A'ohe Hana Nui Ke Alu 'ia."We invite all Kauhola 'Ohana. Accepting family dues now through May 2016. Families include parents and children 17 and under. All adult ehildren 18 and older must pay separate dues. Please contact Momilani and Charles Thompson at 808-572-9079 or POB 790534 Paia, HI, 96779 for all inquiries. Also please visit us on wwwiaee book.com/Kauholastrong for upcoming family reunion information. KEKAUOHA-KAI-O - The 'Ohana of Hosea Kekauoha and Nalia Kai-0 would like to announee our family reunion on June 20 -25, 2016 at Hukilau Beach Campgrounds Laie, O'ahu. This reunion includes anyone related to the Kekauoha's as well as Nalia Kai-0's siblings and their descendants. All details including registration ($30 per family) ean be found on our website at kekauohaohana.com. Also Kekauoha-Kai-0 Gear is available online. Orders must be in by May 15th. Any questions or concerns ean be emailed to PJ Meatoga or Lilia Tollefsen at kekauohaohana@gmail.com. Updates ean also be found at our Kekauoha 'Ohana Facebook page. KEOHOKAPU - The descendants of Theresa Kelekia & Joseph Keoua Keohokapu 'Ohana will be hosting a reunion from Oct. 6-10, 2016, in Las Vegas, Nev. Come and join us for a time to remember our loved ones gone ahead and build relationships with the next generation. For more information and getting involved in the planning visit Facebook-It is under Keohokapu Vegas Gathering 2016. Aloha & a Hui hou. KEOPUHIWA A reunion is planned for June 16 - 18, 2016. Looking for photos of Naliko Keopuhiwa and 2nd wife Kealiikanakaole Naiwa. I am the adopted son/grandson of John Keopuhiwa, the 10th child of eleven (11) children, Marvin Keopuhiwa. The children are Haiakeawe, Palile, Kalanimoewai, Kaleialoha, Hanawahine, Kaai, Pua, Kaumalani, Kawaaheihei, John, and Puniai Keopuhiwa. For more information please eontact Marvin at 808-259-7252, 808-782-9083 or 808-330-7277. Please leave a message with contact information or email alakoal948@ymail.com. KUAKAHELA - Descendants of Kuakahela and Keaka Kalimaonaona their children: Naiheauhau, Kaaihue, Kealohapauole, Kamau, Kaunahi, Kimona, Malia, Wahinelawaia and Keau. The reunion is scheduled for July 16 and 17, 2016, Makaeo Events Pavilion, 01d Airport Beach Park, Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i. Need head count by June 1, 2016, eall Agnes 808-987-1884. If you have any questions contact president, Apolonio Aquino @ 808-895-1663 or on FACEBOOK (Kuakahela 'Ohana). KURODA - Descendants of Jusaburo (Frank) Kuroda are weleome to attend a family reunion March 18 and 19, 2016, on O'ahu. Jusaburo, a native of Japan, had 12 children by four women: Rika Nakatani, Emma K. Lahaina, Mary M. Lahaina and Martha M. Kainoa. To receive registration information, contact Dianne Castro at 808-779-2979 or email dcastro@hawaii.rr.com. NAINOA/ LONOKAHIKINI - Aloha mai kākou descendants of Samuel Kalunahelu Nainoa and Eugenia Maude Lonokahikini Brotherhood.

We invite all 'ohana to Summer 2016 Reunion in Lā'ie. Group register on Facebook or email: Donna Makaiwi - don808mak@yahoo.com or Cynthia Maio-hileilani2@yahoo.com. Let's hui our talents and mana'o for an awesome 'ohana experience. NAEAHUAHU / PURDY - Descendants of James Naeahuau and Fannie Purdy, there will be an 'ohana reunion on August 20-21, 2016, on the North Shore. Details will be ready by May 2016. Contact stevenspurdyohana@gmail.com or Georgette Stevens at 808-216-4759, if you haven't received information by the end of May. Aloha kekahi i kekahi. #stevenspurdyohana. VICTOR - The Victor 'Ohana reunion for descendants of Kamukai Wikoli and Amelia Akoi will be held on O'ahu from Fri. 19 through Sun. 21 in August 2016. For details please see the 'ohana website at www.victor-ohana.org or the 'ohana Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ The.Victor.Ohana. For more information eontact Dwight Victor at dwight@victor-ohana.org, (808) 688-2349, or P.O. Box 970700 Waipahu, HI, 96797. KINIMAKA - Kinimaka Ohana Reunion 2016 Postponed to 2017. Kinimaka 'Ohana reunion will be July 2 thru 5, 2017, same plaee-Kona, Hawai'i Island. Contact Kaniu Kinimaka-Stocksdale at email: kaniu@coconutwoman.me or eall 808-313-1598 for more info. 'O wau no me ka ha'a ha'a. AKAU - Looking for information on my great-grandmother Akula Inez Akau. Her son John Piilani Kailikea and husband Kalama Kailikea. She also married Joseph K. Woodward. Please eall me, Nathan Piilani Kailikea, at eell 381-8658 or email natepiilani@gmail.com. Thank you very mueh. ESTRELLA I am still researching for relatives of Arsenio de Sousa Estrella & Caroline de Jesus Soeiro Estrella who eame on the ship called the Albergeldie. They eame from Sao Miguel, Azores and arrived on Oahu May 10, 1883 with Manuel (3 yrs) and Maria (1 yr.) They then arrived at North Kohala, Hawaii and had four more children (John, Joseph, Guilhelmina & Antone). Arsenio in later life left the family and not heard from again. Caroline remarried to Frank Lawrence and had one more son "Frank Lawrence Jr." I have my mother side completed & my dad!s father side and the only line left is my dads mother side "Estrella". Please e-mail me at: annette913@ yahoo.com or eall me Annette Haleakala-Coats at: 808 896-4902. NAEHU / SAFFERY-DescendantsofCaptain and Judge Edmund Saffery (1806-1874) and wives Kupuna Naehu and Waiki Kawaawaaiki Naehu (1828-1900) of Olowalu, Maui, are in the beginning stages of planning a family reunion for Labor Day weekenel, 2017 on O'ahu and Maui. We are looking for representatives of their combined 14 children to help planning and communicating information to the rest of their line. Their children include Fanny (John Kaiaokamaile); Edmund Jr. (Emalia Wallaee); Henry (Kahua Kaanaana); Caroline (Frank Rose); William (Emily Cockett andJennieMakekau); John (Lucy Kahalelio and Rebecca Nahooikaika); Thomas (Mary Luna Kina); Mary (Daniel Palena); Emma (William Pogue); Anna (Joseph Kealoha and Daniel Nahaku); Julianna (iAntoine Freitas); Charles (Emily Hawele and Catherine Kauhi); Helen; Emalia (Lai Ernestberge, George Conrad and Nelson Kaloa). If you're interested in joining the planning eommittee or are interested in more info, please visit www.SafferyOhana.org. Facebook Group: www. f acebook/com/groups/EdmundS afferySrOhana Or contact: Naomi Losch, 261-9038, nlosch@hawaii. rr.com or Kulamanu Goodhue, 6894015 saffery ohana@gmail.com. ■

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