Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 5, 1 Mei 2016 — Maryknoll School Honors Trustee Apoliono [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Maryknoll School Honors Trustee Apoliono


n this KWO issue, the Maryknoll School's May Day Court share their mana'o for selecting Trustee Haunani Apo-

liona as the Honoree of their 2016 May Day Program.

On May 6, 2016, Maryknoll School will celebrate May Day. Our program occurs every other year. This year we have decided to honor Trustee Haunani Apoliona, from the Class of 1967, for her many contributions to the Hawaiian community through song eomposition. Trustee Apoliona attended Maryknoll from the second grade through high school graduation, then did her undergraduate studies as well as her

masters work in the field of social work at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. This year marks 20 years of service with the Office of H a w a i i a n Affairs. This year's May Day theme is E Alu Like Mai

Kākou, whieh means "Striving Together." Trustee chose this song as our theme because it is her first well-known song. This year, during our May Day program, all 743 grade school and middle school students will perform this song live with Trustee. We chose to honor Trustee by asking her to make song selections for our May Day program. She was then able to eome and share her mana'o with us. As a graduate of Maryknoll, she positively affects our community by allowing us the opportunity to share her stories through her songs and compositions. Throughout the school year, Trustee Apoliona was able to visit various grade levels at Maryknoll to present students with the song she selected for them to dance as well as coming to several school events, like our 5th grade bake sale that supports an orphanage in Tanzania, and the E Mele Kākou song festival at 'Iolani Palaee with the 4th graders. In early March, our middle school May Day Court students were given the opportu-

nity to visit the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. At OHA, we were able to talk story with Trustee Apoliona about the song

selections and her inspiration to write the songs. "She grew up with a hardworking family, and expresses her gratitude toward the Hawaiian culture." -Catherine Mori. "At OHA, I learned that she is an excellent musician, and very talented at what she does." -Kekai Ah Sam. "I had learned that Trustee is someone who

cares deeply about what we are learning about Hawaiian traditions, culture,andour environment." -Brandon Pang. "I learned that Trustee b e c a m e i n t e r e s t e d in Hawaiian music at an

early age." -Dane Hansen. "Trustee is a person who loves the Hawaiian culture. She is a big-hearted, caring woman who would help Maryknoll School for our May Day." -Skyler Young. "Trustee Haunani Apoliona is a true inspiration to many young Hawaiians, like myself, she shows pride in what she does. When we talked to Trustee I thought it was interesting that she chose to stay in Hawai'i for college and her masters work." -Maekenzie Masoe. "As the May Day Queen, Trustee and I have some things in eommon. I learned that she was the May Day Queen in high school." - Lexi Carlos. "Trustee Apoliona is a positive role model to include in our May Day program as she influences people of all ages through her actions." - Dellan Yamaguchi. 41/48 ■

Haunani Apnlinna, MSW

TrustEE, At-largE

Trustee Haunani Apoliona is being honored at Maryknoll School's 201 6 May Day Program. - Photo: Courtesy