Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 4, 1 April 2016 — Neighbor lslanders can submit video testimony [ARTICLE]
Neighbor lslanders can submit video testimony
The state House of Representatives has launched a pilot project to allow neighbor island residents to submit testimony over video, instead of having to fly to Honolulu to testify in person at the Capitol. Right now, the pilot project includes only video testimony for the Committee of Oeean, Marine Resources and Hawaiian Affairs. However, House Bill 1595, HD2, whieh is currently moving through the Legislature, would explore the possibility of expanding the program to all committees in the House and Senate. Committee Chairman Rep. Kaniela Ing (Klhei, Wailea, Makena) and Vice Chairwoman Rep. Nieole Lowen (Kailua-Kona, Holualoa, Kalaoa, Honokōhau) spearheaded the project. "As a Maui legislator, I know firsthand the difficulty and cost of flying to Honolulu to testify on issues that matter to my neighbors," Ing said in a release. "Technologies like Facetime and webinars have heeome so simple and intuitive that we have a duty to leverage these 21st century technologies to make sure all citizens in our state have a vote." Testifying by video requires a computer with a camera and Internet eonneehon.