Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2016 — Page 25 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
£ Ē3 M I E V °- 3 ^ T ? / 3 i Yr"" ( i /K \ — V Ht V_- Ē { ] x \ o :ai?h u Vr , — — — — *£ I / \ 7 WAIPILOPILO STREAM BRIDGE LOCATION PLAN Nūt iū Sctfc
constructing the new Waipilopilo Stream Bridge, relocating utilities, and installing new pavement signing, striping and marking. The Ai'ea of Potential Effect is approximately 1.85 acres. Pursuant to Section 106 of the NHPA, Native Hawaiian organizations and Native Hawaiian descendants having ancestral, lineal or cultural ties, cultural knowledge or concerns for cultural or religious attachment to the proposed project
Apana 31 awarded to W.C. Lunalilo, LCA 2077 to Kanakaole, and Grant 2785 Apana 8 to C. Kanaina. The landowner is Cooper Enterprises, ine. and the contact person is: Honua Consulting, Trisha Watson, 4348 Waialae Ave. #254, Honolulu, HI 96816, Telephone: (808) 392-1617, Fax: (888) 392-4941 (toll free). The decision to preserve in plaee or relocate these previously identified remains shall be made by the O'ahu Island Burial Council in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) and any recognized lineal and/or cultural descendants, per the requirements of HAR Chapter 13-300-33. Appropiiate treatment shall occur in accordance with HAR Chapter 13-300-38 or 13-300-39. All persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of these human remains are requested to immediately contact Ms. Regina Hilo at 601 Kamokila Boulevard, Room 555, Kapolei, Hawai'i 96707, Telephone (808) 692-8026, Fax (808) 692-8020. All interested parties shalt respond within thirty (30) days of this notice and file descendancy elaim forms and/ or provide information to the SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from the designated buiial or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the same ahupua 'a or district.