Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2016 — Hiʻilei Calling: Capacity-Building Assistance for Your Organization [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hiʻilei Calling: Capacity-Building Assistance for Your Organization
Aloha e nā 'ōiwi 'ōlino, na pulapula a Hāloa. Mahalo to Mona Bernardino, CJiief Operating Officer Hi'ilei Aloha LLC for these preview highlights for 2016: Are you looking for a way to increase the capacity of your business or nonprofit organization? Do you want to learn how to register your company and put together a Business Plan? Does your organization want to apply for grants? Maybe we ean help. In 2007, OHA
created a nonprofit sub-entity known as Hi'ilei Aloha LLC. One of Hi'ilei's responsibilities is to help build capacity in the Hawaiian eommunity. Lor nonprofit organizations, Hi'ilei provides workshops on grant writing, with certification after attending
Grant Writing I, II, and III, and writing at least two grant applications on your own. We maintain a list of upcoming grant opportunities at our website at www.hiilei.org. If your organization is brand new, we ean help you file your registration at DCCA and apply for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status with the IRS. As you begin operations, we have workshops on Board training and business operations - how to stay compliant with the IRS, Form 990, and accounting. We ean hire experts to help you with strategic planning. After you have your basic operations in order, you may be interested in creating a Funding Development Plan and looking at social ventures as a means toward long-term sustainability. For businesses, Hi'ilei offers an 8-week Entrepreneurship Course where you'll learn what it takes to start a business, write a Business Plan, and build sales and marketing so that your business ean be successful. The course is taking plaee right now in Honolulu and is scheduled to go to Kapolei in March, Waimānalo in June, and Kaua'i in October.
Next year it will go to Maui and Hawai'i Island. Companies who attend the course will have an opportunity to develop a website and feature their products and services at no charge at farmers markets and new product shows. As you consider these options, keep in mind that our role is to help you build your capacity, whieh means we won't do things totally FOR you. We work WITH you or have experts work WITH you to increase your organization's ability to do these things
on your own. That's how we help to build capacity. We also offer a 64-hour Leadership Development course that takes plaee over four weekends and is open to anyone in the community. The course helps community members to explore self-knowledge, servant leadership, cultural values, character, tradition-based leadership, communication skills, working in groups, conflict management, running effective meetings, quadruple bottomline objectives, and mueh more. We have conducted parts of this course in Hilo, Maui, Ka'ū, and the Wai'anae Coast. Next month it will take plaee on Moloka'i. For more information, please visit our website (www.hiilei.org) or eall our office at (808)596-8990. Our capacity-building managers are Nālani Takushi and Martha Ross, and registration is handled by Jennifer Chiwa. We look forward to meeting you at one of our workshops! For more information, please visit our website (www.hiilei.org) or eall our office at (808) 596-8990. 38/48 U
Upcoming Training Workshops DATE LOCATION TOPIC Feb. 4-5 Hilo ANA Pre-Application Feb. 6 Hilo Business Operations for NonProfits Feb. 20-21 Moloka'i Leadership Development March 12 Ka'ū Grant Writing I & II March 15 Kapolei Entrepreneurship Class May25 Waimānalo GrantWritingl&ll June 8 Honolulu Grant Writing I & II June 14 Waimānalo Entrepreneurship Class June 15 Kona Grant Writing I & II June 22 Maui Grant Writing I & II June 29 Kaua'i Grant Writing I & II
Haunani Apuliuna, MSW
TrustEE, At-largE