Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2016 — HOʻOLAHA LEHULEHU PUBLIC NOTICE [ARTICLE]
NOTICE OF CONSULTATION SECTION 106 OF THE NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966 AS AMENDED (2006) HAWAI'I COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY INNOVATION BLOCK AT LOT "C" MASTER PLAN KAKA'AKO MAKAI, ISLAND OF O'AHU TAX MAP KEY: [1] 2-1-015:052 Notice is hereby given that the Hawai'i Community Development Authority (HCDA) is proposing to develop land that it owns and administers in the Kaka'ako Makai Area. Referring to its proposal as the Innovation Block at Lot C Master Plan, the HCDA will be partnering with pub1ic agencies and private interest( s) to develop the project site in phases. One of the buildings in the proposed project is a federally funded project. Referred to as the Entrepreneur's Sandbox, this proposed facility is, therefore, considered a federal aehon
and undertaking, as defined by Section 106 of the Nahonal Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended (2006). The project site is located in the Kaka'ako neighborhood of Honolulu, O'ahu, one block makai (seaward) of Ala Moana Boulevard on Ilalo Street, between Keawe Street and Forrest Avenue. Identified as Tax Map Key (TMK): [1] 2-1-015:052, the 5.511-acre parcel is also referred to as Lot C. It is presently used mostly as a paved atgrade parking lot serving the John A. Burns School of Medicine makai campus and University of Hawai'i Cancer Center, whieh are located across Keawe Street, as well other nearby developments. Pursuant to Section 106 of the NHPA, Native Hawaiian organizations and Native Hawaiian descendants with ancestral, lineal or cultural ties to, cultural knowledge or concerns for, and cultural or religious attachment to the proposed project area are requested to contact the HCDA Executive
Director by U.S. Postal Service to the Hawai'i Community Development Authority at 547 Queen St., Honolulu Hawai'i 96813. Please respond by March 2, 2016. BURIAL NOTICE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN that an historic property (SIHP # 50-50-02-7168) containing the human skeletal remains of an unknown number of individuals was located by Xamanek Researches LLC during the course of an archaeological inventory survey for the Kahekili Highway repair project in Kahakuloa, Maui. The burial site is located in the ahupua 'a of Kahakuloa, Wailuku District, Maui, TMK [2] 3-1-002:016 (por.) Kahekili Highway Right-of-Way (County of Maui). The find is located west of Kahekili Highway near the town of Kahakuloa, Maui. The planned road repair project will be undertaken by the County of Maui (Department of Public Works) [contact:
Wendy Kobashigawa; Phone: (808) 270-7745; e- mail: wendy.kobashigawa@co.maui.hi.us]. The find is contained in a cave that is within the County right-of-way. This site was brought to the attention of the project archaeologist by a concerned member of the Kahakuloa community. The cave is thought to contain multiple sets of human remains. Given that community members had previously constructed a dry-laid rock wall at the entrance of this cave, no investigation was carried out within its interior. Materials interpreted as redwood plank fragments were observed on the surface of the cave floor. This burial site is assessed as over 50 years old. Background research indicates that in the Mahele two Land Commission Awards were granted in the vicinity of the project area: R. P. 4644 LCA 4146-R Apana 2 to Makaai, and R. P. 4636 LCA 4146-Z Apana 2 to Kahakamano. The decision to preserve in plaee or relocate these previously identified skeletal remains shall be made by the
Maui/Lāna'i/Moloka'i Islands Burial Council and the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) in consultation with any recognized lineal and/or eultural descendants, per the requirements of HAR Chapter 13-300-33. Proper treatment of the burials shall occur in accordance with HAR Chapter 13-300-38 or 13-300-39. It is hereby requested that persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of these burials immediately contact Mr. Hinano Rodrigues, Culture and History Branch Chief, located at 130 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, Hawai'i 96793, [Phone: (808) 243-4640, Fax: (808) 2435838, e-mail: Hinano.R.Rodrigues@ hawaii.gov], to provide information regarding appropriate treatment of this burial site. All interested parties should respond to this notice by filing descendancy elaim forms with the SHPD and/or by providing information to the SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from this specific burial site or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the vicinity of the project survey area. ■
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