Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2016 — Data Book 2015 now online [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Data Book 2015 now online
By Mark Eshima \early 200 new tables and graphs are included in the latest update of the Native Hawaiian Data Book, whieh offers statistical data on the Native Hawaiian populahon residing in Hawai'i and the Continental United States. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs publishes the data book to comply with its mandate to eompile basic demographic information about Native Hawaiians, as well as identify their physical, sociological
and eeonomie needs. The data also falls in line with OHA's new strategic plan, whieh calls for using the best data available to identify gaps and important issues facing Hawaiians and to inform advocacy efforts. The first data book was published in 1994, while the 2015 edition just went online on Dec. 15 and ean be accessed at http://ohadatabook. eom. Currently, the data book is only available online, hard copies were never printed for the last three editions of the data book. The data book's website not only contains the Native Hawaiian
Data Book, but also contains new data from the 2010 U. S. Census, the American Community Survey (ACS), and the U. S. Eeonomie Census. The 2015 edition contains over 1,300 tables and graphs, a 20 percent increase from the previous edition. A few changes were made to the 2015 edition to make the data book easier to navigate. A new "Crime" section was added in the "New Tables" chapter. We will eonhnue to update the data book online as new data becomes available. ■
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Mieha Kamoe, the Demography Research Analyst at OHA shows us how easy it is to look up information on the Databook website. - Photo: Francine Murray