Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2016 — Kū Kiaʻi Mauna!!! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kū Kiaʻi Mauna!!!

The Hawai'i Supreme Court offered a decision last month

I that validated I the efforts of activists around the world who stand for the protection of sacred Mauna a Wākea. The court ruled that eonstitutional due process had been undermined when the Conservation District Use Permit was approved prior to the contested case hearing taking plaee. I would like to commend the hard

work of those that have taken the stand to protect our sacred mauna. The perseverance of the various organizations and thousands of individuals that have challenged the questionable process by whieh the TMT was approved has resulted in a victory for the Native Hawaiian community and has raised awareness

as to the numerous mismanagement issues on Mauna a Wākea. I would like to esneciallv extend a

congratulatory mahalo to Mauna Kea Anaina Hou, their attorney Naiwi Wurdeman, and KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environmental Allianee for their hard work over the many years enduring the legal processes defending the mauna. The court's decision also reinforced the mandates set forth by the Hawai'i State Constitution to protect both cultural and environmental resources. This should

serve as a wake-up eall to the State and University of Hawai'i that serious change is needed before any future projects are considered on the mauna. I am hopeful this will provide an opportunity for the eommunity to work together to forge a pono path forward for our sacred mauna. ■

Dan Ahuna VicE Chair, TrustEE, Kaua'i and Ni'ihau

Mauna Kea Protectors gathered at Ali iōlani Hale, the home of the Hawai i State Supreme Court, on July 1 . - Courtesy: 'Oiwi /V