Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 12, 1 December 2015 — GRANTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ICULTURE $591,330 PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS Hui Aloha Kiholo (Year 2 of 2) - $6,575 īo gother ond promote the culture ond history of Kīholo ond increose the culturol proflciency omong Howoiions in proctices thot ore porticulorly significont to thot ploee. Hūwūu Keiki 0 Ka 'Aina Family Learning Centers (Year 2 of 2) - S79,611 Provide fomily-centered leorning ond troining to Notive Howoiion fomilies, so they eon construct their own popo ond pōhōku for moking poī'oi .Oahu Kipahulu 'Ohana (Year 2 of 2] - $81,300 īo support culturol proctitioners by providing the plont resources needed in their proctice os well os connecting the community ond otherstothelo'i.to/ Mono Mooli (Yeor 2 of 2] - $148,564 Provide o comprehensive progrom perpetuoting Howoiion voyoging culture ond proctice by linking lifelong leorning ond teoching of troditional Howoiion eonoe culture with vioble corer pothwoys in the moritime industry. Stūtewide Pa'ūPono Miloli'i (Yeor 2 of 2) - $70,000 Provide on integroted ond comprehensive opprooch to perpetuoting the culturol proctices ond culturol identity of the ililolii community. Hūwūu Paepae o He'eia (Year 2 of 2) - $45,440 Copture, preserve ond mointoin the troditions ond proctices of the He'eio londscope through honds-on culturol workshops such os he'e preporation, dry-stock mosonry, ond inomono moking. Ū'ūhū Papakū No Kameha'ikana (Year 2 of 2] - $28,350 Provide troining in leorning ond understonding culturol protocol in oli.pule ond mele.Mu 'AHAHUI EVENT GRANTS 8ishop Museum - $5,000 llth Annuol Grow Howoiion Festivol ot Amy Greenwell Gorden. HūWūi'i East Maui Taro Festival - $9,000 23rd Annuol Eost iloui īoro Festivol. Hūūi
Friends of Kona Pacific Puhlie Charter School - $5,600 Aho Aloho 'Ōlelo community celebrotion of Howoiion longuoge. Howoi'i Garden lsland Resource Conservation & Development, ine. - $9,000 Ko hoku 0 honokolonipō Pō'oni hokohiki. Kaoa'i Hawai'i Maoli - $8,800 Ke Ūla i ko Lō'ou Lopo'ou: īhere is life in the plonts. ū'aha Hawai'i Oook & Music Festival - $7,000 Alono Howoiion Culture Progrom ot the Howoi'i Oook 0 f1usic Festivol (HBMF). O'aho Hawaiian Canoe Racing Association - $6,000 2014 HCRA Stote Chompionship Conoe Regotto. O'oho Kai Loū, ine. - $9,000 hokohiki Kuilimo. O'aha Kailapa Community Association - $5,000 Lō Kuo' ko'o celebrotion. Hawai'i- Coitore Kauakoko Foundation - $5,090 Noni Wole '0 Uluhoimalama commemorotion ond plunting.fffl/)u Maui Historical Society - $5,000 Lei DoyHeritogeFestivol.to/ Moanalua Gardens Foundation - $10,000 37th Annuol Prince Lot Hulo Festivol. O'aha Moana's Hula Halau - $6,500 Festivols of Aloho - Moui Nui Style. Holoka'i Nō Uahine 0 Ke Kai - $4,000 Nō Wuhine 0 Ke Koi Women s Annuol holoko'i to O'ohu Conoe Roce. Moloko'iO'oho Nā'ōlehu Theatre - $8,000 Gabby Pahinui Waimōnalo Konikopilo. O'aho North Kohala Community Resource Center - $5,000 Kamehameha DayCelebration in Kohala. Hawai'i PA'I Foundation - $7,000 2nd Annuol Kaka'ako Arts S Music Fest. O'aho Pu'uhonua Society - $5,500 CŪNTACT 2015 artexhibit.Mu
Women Helping Women - $5,000 Ho'ohuli: īransformation īhrough Culture conference. Maoi Tri-lsle Resource Conservation & Development Council, ine - $6,000 Festivals of Aloho, ilaui Hui Style! Naoi EDUCATION $3,463,987 PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS 8oys and Girls Club of Maui (Year 2 of 2) - $100,000 īo help develop good study habits for students through the Power Hour homework assistance program. Maoi After-School All-Stars (Year 2 of 2) - $75,000 īo provide after school enrichment. mentoring. and tutoring activities for middle school students on the Leeward coost. O'oho Goodwill lndustries of Hawai'i (Year 2 of 2] - $125,000 īo support enrolled students in HIŪŪE system by offering tutoring and remediation in math and reading after school hours. Hawai'i University of Hawai'i at Hilo - $896,232 īo supportthe Nō Pua No'eau Programto provide educational experiences in Hawaiian culture. Ianguage, and history. Statewide Kanu 0 Ka 'Aina Learning 'Ohana - $1,500,000 To support Howoiion-focused chorter schools. Stotewide Univeristy of Hawai'i - 0ffice of Research Services - $187,000 īo supportthe 0HA Higher Education Scholorships progrom through LikoA'e.toen//de Hawai'i Community Foundation - $330,000 īo supportthe 0HA Higher Education Scholorships program. Statewide Unversity of Hawai'i, 0ffice of Research Services - $218,855 On hehulī ofthe hyron B.Thompson School ofSociol Workto eonhnue support of the Hawaiian Learning Program (3 years). O'aho AHAHUI EVENT GRANTS Friends of Moloka'i High and Middle Schools Foundation - $8,500 CollegeandCareerFair.Mto/
Project Vision Hawai'i - $7,400 Better Vision for the Keiki and Kūpuna. Moloko'i Making Dreams Come True, Valley of Rainbows - $8,000 Youth Leadership Conferences - We're Going to College. O'aho University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - $8,000 Ho'okele Na'auao - A Hawaiian Librarianship Symposium. O'aho GOVERNANCE f $220,804 PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS L Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation - $135,804 īo support legol services to the community. Stotewide Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation - $85,000 To support outreoch efforts to promote legal services. Stotewide HEALTH $943,507 PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS Kōkua Kūlihi Valley (Year 2 of 2) - $234,926 īhe project will serve the ohana's eonhnuum of heallh needs across all stages of life to include food gathering and preparation and cultural knowledge sharing on traditional healing practices. I Ola Lāhui (Year 2 of 2) - $250,000 īhe project will provide behavioral heallh interventions to promote heallh behavior changes known to reduce body weight and body mass index, improve obesity-related heallh risks as well as increose heolth knowledge. O'oho/Moloka'i Boys and Girls Club of Hawai'i (Year 2 of 2) - $85,819 īhe project will provide an afterschool physical education program for youth that incorporotes cultural octivities and involves fomily k! members. Kaoa'i The Queen's Medical Center (Year 2 of 2) - $233,329 īhe project will provide an activity program in Hōna that will decrease obesity. improve blood pressure. and improve physical functioning and psychological well-being. Maoi The Salvation Army (Year 2 of 2) - $124,823 īhe project will provide obesity prevention and intervention to pregnant women and mothers undergoing substance abuse treatR
■M 'AHAHUI EVENT GRANTS Big lsland Resource Conservtion ond Development Ūouneil - $4,000 Traditions to Good Heolth ond Wellness Foir. Hawūi'i Ke Ho'ōla o Limo Loni - $3,610 Ke Aloulo o Kone III. kua'i Kulo no nō Po'e Hawai'i - $6,000 'Eleu hikimiki - Popokōleo 'Ohono Heolth Foir 2010. 0'ahu Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center - $1,000 Women's HeolthDoyEvent./iflAu ■ HOUSING "H4 $3,400,000 PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS Hawaiian Community Assets (Year 2 of 2) - $24,550 īo ossist homeless Notive Howoiions secure offordoble rentol housing through motched funding. Statewide Moloka'i Habitūt for Humanity, ine. (Yeor 2 of 2) - $147,215 | To construct offordoble homes for quolified Notive Howoiion fomilies on Moloko'i. /Yo/oAro'/ Hobitūt for Humanity West Hawai'i ■ (Yeor 2 of 2] - $204,455 To construct offotdable homes fot quolified Notive Howoiion fomiliesinWestHowoi'i.//flM"/' ^ Effective Planning lnnovative Communication ine. | (DBA Epie 'Ohana) (Year 2 of 2) - $3,780 j īo provide rentol ossistonce motching funds for Notive Howoiion foster youth tronsitioning to odulthood from foster core. Stūtewide I Family Promise of Hawai'i (Year 2 of 2) - $20,000 I īo ossist Notive Howoiion fomilies in tronsition to secure offordoble I rentolhousing./Zfl/ru
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands - $3,000,000 īo cover debt service on bonds issued by ŪHHL thot will be used to estoblish infrostructure support for Notive Howoiion offordable housing opportunities. Stotewide IMPROVE FAMILY LIFESTYLE $409,000 PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS Waimōnalo Health Center (Year 2 of 2) - $130,000 īo support enhonced prenotol services through its PotientCentered Heolth Core Home (PCHCH) teom bosed heohh core delivery. O'ahu Moloka'i General Hospital (Year 2 of 2) - $67,032 īo support o Prenotol Progrom focused on promoting prenotol core by combining medicol oppointments, ond group sessions. Moloka'i North Hawai'i Community Hospital (Year 2 of 2) - $102,968 īo provide preconception core, prenotol core, lobor/delivery services, ond post-portum core. Oawai'i Consuelo Zobel Alger Foundation - $90,000 īo support the holokoī Ghildhood Sexuol Abuse Prevention Pothwoy progrom. Moloko'i 'AHAHUI EVENT GRANTS YMCA of Honolulu - $8,000 Yf1CA Heolthy Kids Doy - E Olo Nō Keiki. O'ahu Lo'i 'Opuo 2020 - $5,500 Homesteod 0 Notion Building. Oawai'i La'i 'Opua 2020 - $5,500 6th Prince Kūhiō Ho'oloule'o. Hawai'i
INCOME $500,000 PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS Parents and Children Together (Year 2 of 2) - $200,000 īo provide Competency Bosed ūiploma progrom preporotion closses, employment troining ond plocement, business literocy troining ond business stort-up support, coreer service plonning ond ongoing cose monogement. O'ahu Goodwill lndustries of Hawai'i (Year 2 of 2) - $120,000 īo provide comprehensive employment ond coreer pothwoy services: GEDtests: pre-employmenttroining ond job development: support for community college or vocotionol/technicol troining courses: ond job plocement ond retention services. Oawai'i Native Nations Education Foundation (Year 2 of 2) - $80,000 īo provide o comprehensive high school diplomo progrom ond coreer ond educotion pothwoy ossistonce ond support into job opportunities, vocotionol troining ond two-yeor college trocks. Oawai'i Kaua'i Community College (Year 2 of 2) - $100,000 īhe project will provide industry-driven, customized troining poekoges to help low-ineome Notive Howoiions quolify for high-demond jobs on Kouo'i in technicol core ond ogriculturol fields. kua'i LAND $746,510 PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS Howoi'i Allionee for Community-Based Eeonomie Development (HACBED) (Year 2 of 2) - $80,000 On beholf of Nō Kūpuno A he Nō Kōko'o o Hōlowo to support lo 'Ohone o Hōlowo' to expond current 'ōino ond culturol octivities, develop stewordship ond sustoinobility plons, ond build orgonizotionol copocity. O'ahu
Ka'ala Farm, ine. (Year 2 of 2) - $99,706 īo support the 'Auwoi Progrom to eominue honds-on leorning ond troditionol ohupuo'o monogement ond to expond the lond in cultivotion to produce more heolthy food for the community. O'ahu Kako'o 'Oiwi (Year 2 of 2) - $88,000 īo support hōhuohuo 'Ai o Hoi to restore ogriculturol ond ecologicol productivity within the wetlonds of He'eio for culturol ond eommunityuses. O'ahu Kōkua Kalihi Valley Comprehensive Family Services (Yeor 2 of 2) - $140,000 īo support hōlomo hōluowoi to restore the heolth of the Kolihi ohupuo'o through reforestotion to restore wotershed heolth, revitolizotion of lo'i kolo ond pō pohoku, ond hydrology reseorch. Kuū 'Āina Ulu 'Auamo (Year 2 of 2) - $114,327 īo support "Hui hōlomo Loko l'o Project", o consortium of stotewide fishponds ond proctitioners to increose restorotion work ond build copocity towords food self-sufficiency. Stotewide Waimea Hawaiian Homesteaders Association (Year 2 of 2) - $127,410 īo support the "Forming for the Working Gloss" progrom to ossist Howoiion homelond lessees to revive historicolly productive ogriculturol \anAs.Oawai'i State Department of Land and Natural Resources - $94,067 īo support the Aho hoku Advisory Committee. Statewide 'AHAHUI EVENT GRANTS Kua Āina Ulu 'Auamo - $3,000 Living Limuīroditions: Limu Proctitioner hini-Gothering. O'ahu
"0ur oha grant funding f0r centering pregnancy has alloweū us t0 give MORE PERSONAL and MEANINGFUL CARE t0 0ur patients B f INTEGRATING HAUAIIAN CULTURE. we can now 0ffer apr0grah0f PRENATAL CARE THAT IS RELEVANT families in ooh predominately hawaiian coMhUNiīr W W - N0RTH HAWAI'I C0hM0NITY H0SPITAL "OHA FUNDING HAS BEEN INSTRUMENTAL IN ENABUNG US ĪO EKPANŪ DIRECĪ SERVICES ĪO NATIVE HAWAIIANS IN 00H C0hM0NIĪY. THANKS ĪO OHA WE AHENOW ABLEĪOPR8VIDE THE SCHOLARSHIPSANDJOB^^^ SUPPORT critical t0 stable ehployment, which in turn contributes j t0 stable 'ohana and str0nger native hawaiian communities." ( i - native nati0ns education f0undati0n k
SPONSORSHIPS THE OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS sponsors events that address the needs of the Native Hawaiian Community. Sponsorships are generally awarded to support various community events that serve or support Native Hawaiians or increase awareness of Hawaiian culture and history. The difference between the amount listed on this page and sponsorship expenditures is primarily due to timing of sponsorship payments.
Culture $164,100 Education $11,800 Governance $169,870 Health $29,400 Eeonomie Self-Sufficiency $13,500 Land $70,679 GRANTS TOTAL $459,349
1 Bishop Museum 3,500 16th Annual Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Binner O'ahu 1 Bishop Museum 20,000 Ho'i Pu'olo: Treasures From Afar Polynesia 1 Chaminade University 25,000 Awa Symposium 2015 O'ahu 1 Conservation Council of Hawai i 500 3B0 Wild & Scenic Film Festival O'ahu 1 Friends of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park 5,000 35th Annual Cultural Fesitval & BIOBLITZ Hawaii 1 Hale 0 Na Ali i - Halau 0 Kalakaua 5,000 Hale 0 No Ali'i Convention Hawaii 1 Halele'a Arts Foundation 10,000 La'iekawai performance for Kula Kaiapuni students O'ahu Halele'a Arts Foundation 15,000 "La'iekawai" Kauai Hawai i Maoli 3,500 5th Annual Ka Mono o Ke Kanaka Awards O'ahu 1 Hawai i Pono'i Foundation 6,700 On behalf of the Hawaii Pono'i Coalition to support "Trial of a Queen" O'ahu Hawaiian Civic Club of Waimanalo 1,000 Waimanalo Makahiki O'ahu 1 Hi'ilei Aloha, LLC 20,000 Ahaino School of Native Arts tioloka'i 1 Hi ipoka 25,000 Waimea Valley Summer Concert Series O'ahu 1 Hi ipoka 2,000 Waimea Valley Summer Concert Series O'ahu 1 Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii 3,000 40th Annual Living Treasures of Hawaii Recognition Ceremony O'ahu 1 Ka tioloka'i Makahiki 6,500 Ka Moloka'i Makahiki 2015 tioloka'i 1 Merrie Monarch Festival 9,000 'Olelo Hawaii broadcasting of the festival Statewide 1 Nd Pualei o Likolehua 2,400 Summer Solstice Vigil, Ho'i 1 Ka Piko O'ahu 1 Pohai o Kamehameha 1,000 9th Annual Kalani Ali'i Awards Banquet O'ahu Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu 3,000 2015 Holoku Ball Scholarship Benefit Gala Oahu Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club 2,500 2014 Kalaniana'ole Scholarship Pa'ina O'ahu BllB University of Hawaii 1,300 Hawailnuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge 1 Ulu 1 Ke Kumu Awards Dinner O'ahu University of Hawai i 5,000 JABSOM'S 50th Anniversary Gala O'ahu