Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 12, 1 December 2015 — HOʻOHUI OHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit a 1 1 submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
KAUHOLA KAPAHI Ohana Reunion. August 5-7th, 2016. Maui Island. "A'ohe Hana Nui Ke Alu 'ia."We invite all Kauhola 'Ohana. Aeeepting family dues now through May 2016. Families inelude parents and ehildren 17 and under. All adult ehildren 18 and older must pay separate dues. Please eontaet Momilani and Charles Thompson at 808-572-9079 or POB 790534 Paia, HI 96779 for all inquiries. Also
please visit us on www.faeebook. eom/Kauholastrong for upeoming family reunion information. KINIMAKA - "E Ho'i I Ke Kumu - Let's All Return to the Souree" This nohee is to allow the deseendants of Welo Ali'i Chief Keaweamahi Kinimaka and his wife Pa'i, their son Lt. Colonel David Leleo Kinimaka and his wife Hannah Keola and their ehildren; Samuel Leleo Kinimaka, Mary Ha'aheo Leleo Kinimaka-Ateherley, Aliee Kehaulani Leleo Kinimaka-
Speneer, Rebeeca Kekiionohi Leleo Kinimaka-Apana, Mathias Percival Ho'olulu Kinimaka as well as the descendants of Matilda Leleo-Kauwe and lohn Ka'elemakule Sr. (grandson of Kinimaka) to plan and prepare for our 2016 Kinimaka 'Ohana reunion slated for Iuly 1 - July 5, 2016 to be held in Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i Island. Website under eonstmction. Contact Kaniu KinimakaStocksdale at email: kaniu@coconut woman.me or eall 808-313-1598 for more info. 'O wau no me ka ha'a ha'a.
NAINOA/ LONOKAHIKINI - Aloha mai kākou descendants of Samuel Kalunahelu Nainoa and Eugenia Maude Lonokahikini Brotherhood. We invite all 'ohana to Sununer 2016 Reunion in Laie. Group register on Facebook or email: Donna Makaiwi - donmak808 @yahoo.com or Cynthia Maiohileilani2@yahoo.com. Let's hui our talents and mana'o for an awesome 'ohana experience.
AKAU - Looking for information on my great-grandmother Akula Inez Akau. Her son John Piilani Kailikea and husband Kalama Kailikea. She also married Joseph K. Woodward. Please eall me, Nathan Piilani Kailikea, at eell 381-8658 or email natepiilani@gmail.com. Thank you very mueh. ■
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