Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2015 — Kekemapa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS HAWAI'I WINTER CELEBRATION Wed. Dec. 2, 6 p.m. Join the Kamehameha Sehools Hawai'i performing arts students for song and danee to eelebrate the Christmas season. The night of entertainment features the high sehool band, hula kahiko and 'auana classes, choir and concert glee and a guest appearance by the Kamehameha Alumni Choir - Mamalahoe Chapter. Proceeds will help fund the performing arts program's participation in the American High School Theater Festival in Eidenburgh, Scotland. $8. William Charles Lunalilo Center.

I LOVE HULA IN KAILUA 2015 Sun. Dec. 6. 3-4 p.m. Member of Hālau Mōhala 'Ilima entertain Kailua residents as part of the "I Love Hula in Kailua" series, sponsored by the Harold K.L. Castle Loundation and A&B Properties. The Ko'olaupoko halau is featured in December's installment of this series. Lree. In the parking garage behind Longs Drugs in Kailua Town. I MANA KA LĀHUI MELE COMPOSITION WORKSHOP Sat. Dec. 12. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Come and be inspired by the Ko'olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club

as its members share the basics I of mele eompo- ™ sition.Attendees will get an introduc

tion to mele and fundimentals of composition. Lree. Hale A'o at Windward Community College. MELE KALIKIMAKA MARKETPLACE Sat. & Sun. Dec. 12 &13 Visit this one stop loeal holiday shop catering to visitors and residents who are looking for holiday gifts and family activities. The two-day event features loeal food products, gifts, books, apparel, jewelry crafts and other consumer goods. Produced by Paeihe Expos and Special Events

Hawai'i. $4 adults, $3 seniors, students and military. Neil Blasdell Center Exhibition Hall.

HAWAIIAN MUSIC SERIES CONCERTS IN LAHAINA Thurs. Dec. 17. 6 p.m. Enjoy the sweet island

sounds of up-and-coming island musicians who sing traditional and popular tunes, play ukulele and slack key and eontemporary guitar. Mats, blankets and low heaeh chairs are weleome. Lree. Baldwin Home Museum. HULA KAHIKO SERIES Sat. Dec. 19. 10:30 a.m. The Volcano Art Center Hula Kahiko series continues with a performance by Kumu Hula Keala Ching with Nā Wai Iwi Ola. The performance takes plaee on the kahua hula, or hula plat-

form, located near the Volcano Art Center Gallery in the Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. The Kailua-Kona-based Nā Wai Iwi Ola Loundation was founded to perpetuate the Hawaiian culture and practices through hula protoeol and ceremonies. Lree. Volcano Art Center. IULUNOKA LĀLĀ I KE KUMU Fri. Jan. 8. 5 -7 p.m. "I ulu no ka lālā I ke kumu." 77 le branches grow because of the trunk. Without our ancestors we woukl not be here." Olelo No'eau This Wailoa Arts and Cultural Center arts exhibition is a visualazation of different ideas and approaches that honor the ancestors that honor the ancestors and Hawaiian culture. Artist reception will be held on the evening of Jan. 8, with the exhibition open from Jan.8 to 28. Wailoa Arts and Cultural Center. ■

-■ Enjoy a shoppers emponum of great Hawaiian style gifts and aclivilies for Ihe whole family at this year's Mele Kalikimaka Marketplace.


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