Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 12, 1 December 2015 — OHA Board Actions Compiled by Garett Kamemoto [ARTICLE]
OHA Board Actions Compiled by Garett Kamemoto
The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on board actions, please see the complete meeting minutes posted online at http://www.oha.org/BOT.
Motion to officially accept the donation of the Kearney ūloak replica from the King Kamehameha Hawaiian Civic Club to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Motion to approve the Chair's appointment of the Ad Hoe Committee on Trustees' Responsibilities II, with Trustee Peter Apo as Chair, Mr. Albert Tiberi as Vice Chair, and Mr. Randall Roth as Member. Motion to approve OHA's participation in the portion of the Nā Wai 'Ehā contested case hearing regarding the adjudication of surface water use permit applications, including the recognition and quantification of appurtenant rights claims, and to authorize the CEO to utilize OHA contract #2604, as amended, with Alston Hunt Floyd and lng, Attorneys at Law, A Law Corporation, to cover legal services rendered to OHA for water use permit applications and appurtenant rights claims, contingent upon approval of sufficientfunding, estimated at $300,000, to reside in Program Code 2300 - Corporate Counsel, Object Code 57115 - Legal Services, to cover legal fees and costs incurred for participation in the foregoing. Motion to approve the adoption of an OHA Water Policy along with Attachment A: Water Backgrounder Appendix, where upon approval, both will be included in the Executive Board Policy Manual of the Board of Trustees, as fully stated in Action ltem BAE 15-06. Motion to adopt a Board of Trustees (BOT) policy to be included in the OHA Board of Trustees Executive Policy Manual as a new section numbered 2080 entitled "Iwi Kupuna" within the 2000 Series on Beneficiary Support and Services: 2080 Iwi Kupuna Care, Management, and Protection of Iwi Kupuna 2.8. a. Consistent with its advocacy regarding the Hawaiian culture, OHA shall protect and promote the reverence and cultural importance of proper care, management, and protection of ancestral Native Hawaiian remains or iwi kupuna. Recognizing that iwi is culturally "considered the most cherished possession" as defined by Mary Kawena Pukui as well as oral and written historical accounts, OHA shall ensure that in all OHA efforts and initiatives, the proper care, management, and protection of iwi kupuna is of paramount consideration. OHA also recognizes that the care and disposition of iwi kupuna is primarily an 'ohana kuleana and shall promote the active involvement of descendants and 'ohana in matters regarding the treatment and disposition of iwi kupuna. In furtherance of this policy objective, OHA shall: 1. Formulate consistent responses in the planning, consultation, and decision making regarding the care, management, and protection of iwi kupuna; and 2. Ensure that all relevant OHA land management and planning documents, contractual agreements and grant agreements include an acknowledgment of a higher cultural standard of care regarding the care, management, and protection of iwi kupuna, whieh may exceed minimal requirements setforth in law and rule; and 3. Consult with the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation ūouneil for guidance on iwi issues when deemed necessary by the Chief Executive Officer.
Motion passes with eight AYES and one EXCUSED. Motion passes with sevenAYES, one ABSTENTION and one EXCUSED. Motion passes with eight AYES, and one EXCUSED. Motion passes with eight AYES, and one EXCUSED. Motion passes with eight AYES, and one EXCUSED.
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- LEGEND 9 'Ae (Yes) 9 'A'ole (No) 4 Kānalua (Abstain) 9 Excused
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