Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 11, 1 November 2015 — MEAOLOKO TABLE OF CONTENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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MO'OLELO Nlll I G0VER ST0RY How to succeed in business mge 14 BY LYNN C00K Whether you are a designer, a food truck wrangler or a small business enthusiast, success is learned through hard work and perseverance EA I GOVERNANGE lnterior proposes Native Hawaiian Rule page 5 BY KA WAI OLA STAFF Rule hailed as Obama commitment to support Native Hawaiians

Nowemapa | November 2015 | Vol. 32, No. 12 HO'OKAHUA WAIWAI I EOOHOMIO SELF-SUFFICIENCY

Turn your idea into profits page 8 BY FRANGINE KANANIONAPUA MURRAY Hi'ilei Aloha is growing Native Hawaiian businesses with the help of an SBA grant Photo: Francine Murray

Hawaiian things we Aloha page 16 BY FRANGINE KANANIONAPUA MURRAY Hawaiian things we love music, books, art, food, and so mueh more

Published monthly by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite 200, Honolulu, Hl 96817. Telephone: 594-1888 or 1-800-468-4644 ext. 41888. Fax: 594-1865. Email: kwo@OHA.org. World Wide Web location: www.oha.org. Circulation: 64,000 copies, 55,000 of whieh are distributed by mail, and 9,000 through island offices, state and county offices, private and community agencies and target groups and individuals. Ka Wai Ola is printed by O'ahu Publications. Hawaiian fonts are provided by Coconut lnfo. Advertising in Ka Wai Ola does not constitute an endorsement of products or individuals by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Ka Wai Ola is published by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to help inform its Hawaiian beneficiaries and other interested parties about Hawaiian issues and activities and OHA programs and efforts. ©2015 Office of Hawaiian Affairs. All rights reserved.