Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 11, 1 November 2015 — Page 27 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Pledge & Hawaiian Flag Code posters, stickers, window decals, banners. Ordervia www.kanaka maolipower.org or 808-332-5220. KULA, WAIOHULI DHHL 3/2 Home on 0.761 acres, see at www.ipropertiesmaui.com or eall Edwina Pennington R(S) NextHome Pacific Properties 808-291-6823. THINKING 0F BUYING ORSELLING AHŪME? Call Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) 295-4474. Keller Williams Honolulu. To viewcurrent listings go to my website HomesWithAloha.com. Call oremail me at Charmaine.QuilitPoki@gmail.com to learn more about homeownership. Mahalo nui. Specialize in fee simple & homestead properties, 29 years. VŪTE FŪR 'AHA DELEGATES Annemarie Tomisato and MatthewTomisato! PRŪPERTY WANĪEŪ 20,000 40,000 SQ FT Warehouse with 5 acres land connected. Contact: kawika96734@yahoo.com or eall 808-861-5507.
1 ® November 2015 Hi'ilei Aloha LLC Workshops . . 9am- Kaua'i, Līhu'e - Līhu'e Public Librarv, Conference Room, n ,T .. Nov.4,Wed. ,n j ni Training noon 4344 Hardy u 9 - 11 am Grant Writing I Nov. 11, Wed. Maui, Lāhaina - 56th AHCC Convention 1-4pm Grant Writing II 9 - 11 am Grant Writing I Nov. 12, Thurs. Maui, Lāhaina - Hvatt Regencv Maui, 200 Nohea Kai Dr. 1-4pm Grant Writing II 9 - 11 am Grant Writing I Nov. 13, Fri. Maui, Lāhaina - Hyatt Regencv Maui, 200 Nohea Kai Dr. 1-4pm GrantWriting II 9 - 11 am GrantWriting I Nov. 14, Sat. Maui, Lāhaina - Hyatt Regency Maui, 200 Nohea Kai Dr. 1-4pm GrantWriting II Upcoming Grant Opportunities For more information on the Board Training and DEADUWE EUWDEB AMDUWT Grant Writing workshops, please contact Jennifer Nov. 6 Laura Jane Musser Fund (Rural lnitiative Program) 525.000 at jenniferc@hiilei.org or 596-8990, ext. 1013. Nov. 30 USDA National lnstitute of Food S Agriculture (CommunityFoodProjectsProgram) 5125,000 Mahalo for VOUr interest! Dec. 1 George N. Wilcox Trust (Kaua'i) 550.000 Dec. 1 AntoneSEdeneVidinhaCharitableTrust (Kaua'i churches, hospitals, health organizations) 583,000 VMV Dec. 16 USDA National lnstitute of Food S Agriculture 5100,000 (pilot) (FoodlnsecurityNutritionlncentive) 5500,000 (full) t t tit f T? T 4T fTVf A Jan. 6 N0AA Domestic Coral Reef Conservation Grant 550.000 n 1 I E I /\ L(L-/ Ul /V U£ Jan. 19 N0AA Bay Watershed Education S Training , . (B-WET) Hawai'i Program 5150,000 WWW.hlllei.Org For more infbrmation, go to www.hiilei.org or eaeh funder's website. HHiei Aioha, llc is a Non-profii organizaiion 711 Kapi'olani Blvd #1430, Honolulu, Hl 96813 • (808) 596-8990