Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 11, 1 November 2015 — Royal Mausoleum Curator Chosen [ARTICLE]
Royal Mausoleum Curator Chosen
William "Kai" Bishop Kaihe'ekai Maioho has been chosen as the 15th
curator of the Royal Mausoleum at Mauna 'Ala on the island of O'ahu. Kai is replacing his father, William "B ill" Maioho, who had passed away earlier this year while serving as curator. The Royal Mausoleum was established in 1865 as the burial ground and final resting plaee for the ruling monarchs of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. Mauna 'Ala contains the remains of all of Hawai'i's royalty, except for Kamehameha the First and King Charles Lunalilo. The Maioho family is related to chief Ho'olulu who was one of the two ali'i chosen by Kamehameha to hide his bones. In essence, it has been the family's ongoing kuleana to care for the 'iwi (bones) of Hawai'i's ali'i. DLNR First Deputy Kekoa Kaluhiwa said," The department greatly appreciates Kai Maioho's steadfast commitment to the Royal Mausoleum and his willingness to assume responsibility for maintaining the sanctity of the grounds. He has demonstrated his detailed knowledge of the Mausoleum and its grounds and of the efforts needed to preserve the site and support people coming to Mauna 'Ala to honor the royal families." ■