Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 11, 1 November 2015 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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For a fair, compassionate and pnwen leaden >• F - iniHi NA'I AITLFNT - O AHII OF.T,F,GATTAmong hcr crcdcntīals: ■ Spearheaded Ahupua 'a Bomdary Markers on O 'ahu • Career of dedicated public service • Lorigfhne commmitv advocate ■ Years ofdedicated leadershtp among Natne Hawaaans

Hcr goals: • A homefor e\'eiy Hawaiian there shottId be no homeless Hawaiiam ■ Food sustamabihty - restoration, M re\ita!tzation and prolectīo?i qf farm lands and fishponds » Fair and transparent electiom H and govenumce * Mākima pono: seek the halanee in ull things Fur iiiuie mforuiHttuu. ekeek uut hei Fflccboot pane and copy/pnstp ihe folIowing V YouTube fmb: 1 mvA.ti(^xx)kMib,NlnhailaiHC>|iiHiLiNiiL-\i.ipuiijC^lHa tilps.l,vn,vsH.yLiunitx" uīū^|jdbfo -v7OeP5/\D0A! tinpHi,;\vT\r\v.™iii)c (sm\vald»A- 3WckalX<"5D Pud PolHkhl Ad\eii2jcoKiki I

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Working together for our mo'opuna