Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 10, 1 October 2015 — Page 28 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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' provides a definitive resource for understanding Ffecting Native Hawaiians. This extensively revised of the groundbreaking 1991 Native Hawaiian ers a comprehensive overview and balanced analysis of the events, cases, statutes, regulations, and actions that make up this important and evolving area of law— for professional and layperson alike. rilliant eompenelium of Kanaka Maoli scholars, and their supporters, ant legal issues of our time. Every law addressing Native Hawaiian ^^L ome, from Hawaiian trust lands and sovereignty, to Hawaiian ohiki fishing, fishponds, and oeean resources.... No doubt this the key resource for Native Hawaiian advocates everywhere , entity and ancestral wisdom.... Simply riveting!" anior Professor and Director for Hawaiian Studies, iānoa miiii KAMEHAMEHA KAHULI AO PUBLISHING "SSSSSSSi" \ division of Kamehameha Schools
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