Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 10, 1 October 2015 — Whales, other marine mammals gain protection [ARTICLE]
Whales, other marine mammals gain protection
A federal court has settled two cases challenging the U.S. Navy's training and testing activities off the coasts of Southem California and Hawai'i. The settlement stems fromthe court's earlier finding that the Navy's activities illegally harm more than 60 separate populations of whales, dolphins, seals and sea lions. As part of the agreement, the Navy has agreed to put important habitat off limits to mid-frequency sonar testing and testing and the use of powerful explosives. Natural Resources Defense Council President Rhea Suh said the settlement protects the fleet and safeguard whales. "This settlement shows the way to do both, ensuring the security of U.S. Navy operations while reducing the mortal hazard to some of the most majestic creatures on Earth." "Some of the marine mammals threatened by Navy activities are already on the brink of extinction, such as the Hawaiian monk seal," said Conservation Council for Hawai'i's Marjorie Ziegler. "This settlement helps protect the marine habitat the Fisheries Service just last month identified as essential to the seal's survival."