Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 10, 1 October 2015 — Aloha ʻāina radio series on Hawaiʻi Public Radio [ARTICLE]
Aloha ʻāina radio series on Hawaiʻi Public Radio
The Kohala Center and Hawai'i Puhlie Radio are launching a 13-week original radio series exploring the traditional Hawaiian kinship with the natural world. The series will be comprised of approximately 65 two-minute segments exploring the roots and historical endurance of the values of aloha 'āina. The series began Sept. 21 and runs through Dec. 18, and will be archived on hawaiipublicradio.org. Dr. Kamanamaikalani Beamer, president and CEO of The Kohala Center said, "When we first sat down with HPR a year ago, our goal was to help listeners - all listeners - deepen their reverence for the land and natural resources that sustain us." HPR President and General Manager Miehael Titterton praised The Kohala Center saying it shares
"our commitment to community enrichment and, as a research organization, they have the credibility to shape a rigorous and thoughtful exploration of the eonneehon between indigenous wisdom and our modern relationships with the natural environment."