Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2015 — $8.6 Million for Native Hawaiion Education [ARTICLE]
$8.6 Million for Native Hawaiion Education
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded $8.6 million in federal grants to support Native Hawaiian education programs
to improve academic achievement, strengthen early childhood literacy and readiness programs, assist homeless families, and foster mentorship and academic support programs. The grants were announced by Hawai'i's Congressional Delegation. Sen. Brian Schatz said, "The 1 1 programs supported by these grants address the unique educational needs of Native Hawaiian students by using culturally relevant materials and curricula." "Native Hawaiian traditions are a core part of our state's identity and eaeh new generation of students should have the opportunity to learn in a culturally-appropriate way," added Sen. Mazie Hirono.