Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 10, 1 October 2015 — HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Kanoho 'ohana renovates home to be closer to family By Francine Kananionapua Murray // 1 A fe would definitely use the \ /\ / Mālama Loan Program again," \ I \ I saidMari Kanoho, who, together \/ \/ with her husband, John, received V V a Mālama Loan from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs a few years ago to update their kitchen on the Big Island and are now renovating an apartment on O'ahu. The charming loeal eouple was happy with the renovations of their home in the Volcano district, whieh included new kitchen appliances, cabinets and a new floor — to make it look like a brand new kitchen. But sadly, Mari was hurt and was not able to return to work. As a result of her injury, their bills started to heeome a challenge and they ran into Ananeial trouble. "Even though we kept up with our payments it was a little difficult for us," said Mari. "But we were able to manage and eome out of it okay." Mari contacted Consumer Credit Counseling, whieh

helps families regain control of their Ananeial lives through counseling and education, because even though they were able to keep up with their payments they felt the situation was a little overwhelming. The lender and counselor helped the Kanoho 'ohana to keep their finaneial state of affairs under control in their time of need. "We are now moving on and looking at another renovation. We're actually renovating an apartment in Honolulu this time," saidMari. "We are working toward it, talking to contractors and will hopefully start in either November or December. It's both exciting and scary." They are happy that the interest rates are still low. "I appreciate OHA having this loan program available to us." In their very own version of flip-this-house the Kanohos are taking on a full renovation this time. They are replacing the entire kitchen and master bath, whieh includes a storage and laundry area, putting in new flooring and repairing damaged ceilings. In addition, they are expanding the living room by extending the indoor area into the lānai. "Our grandchildren are currently living in Honolulu," Mari said excitedly. "It would be niee to be in it by Christmas." ■

Dreaming of a home renovation? AMālama Loanean payfon • Home improvements • College • Business start-up orexpansion Loans from $2,500 to $19,999 • 4% to 6.25% fixed APR • Upto a 7-yearterm Apply fora Mālama Loan from the comfort of your home online at www.oha.org/ malamaloan, or visit one of 0HA's offices to apply in person. If you have a Mālama Loan and areexperiencingfinancial challenges orare in need of debt counseling, we ean help. Email OHA at nhrlf@ ohaloanfund.org.

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