Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2015 — Board of Trustees Restructures [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Board of Trustees Restructures

By Garett Kamemoto The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees has realigned its eommittees to collapse the former Land and Prop-

erty Committee and the Asset and Resource Management Committee into a single committee. The new Resource Management Committee was approved by two votes of the full board over two meetings. The Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment Committee remains unchanged. Chair Robert Lindsey, Jr. urged his colleagues to support the move saying it would streamline operations. "This new committee is about enhancing this board's ability to

meet higher standards of ethics, transparency and accountability that are expected from our oversight responsibilities," he said. Trustee Colette Machado will be the chair of the new committee while Trustee Haunani

Apoliona will serve as vice-chair. In addition, the board also approved three new Ad-Hoc Committees made up of trustees, OHA staff and members of the community. They are: • Ad Hoe Committee on Mauna Kea, to address long-standing unresolved issues

stemming from the irresponsible stewardship of Mauna Kea, Chair Trustee Dan Ahuna. • Ad Hoe Committee on Eeonomie Innovation, to review and report potential eeonomie innovations and initiatives for eonsideration by OHA, Chair Trustee Lei Ahu Isa. • Ad Hoe Committee on Bylaws Review, to identify provisions in the board's bylaws that may need to be updated, clarified, added or removed, Chair Trustee John Waihe'e IV. ■

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Board of Trustees Chair Robert Lindsey, Jr. addresses beneficiaries who attended the board's annual meeting on Hawai'i lsland. - Photo:Alice Silbanuz

Beneficiaries observe board proceedings at the Board of Trustees Hawai'i lsland meeting.