Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 10, 1 October 2015 — Herb Kāne artwork restored at Volcanoes National Park [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Herb Kāne artwork restored at Volcanoes National Park

By Ka Wai Ola Staff For years, millions of visitors to the Jaggar Museum in the Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park have been captivated by a dynamic mural by artist-his-torian Herb Kawainui Kāne of Hawaiian spirits associated in chant and stories with volcanoes in Hawai'i.

The artwork has been restored and is onee again bright and colorful. The mural, A Pantheon ofVolcano Spirits, depicts volcano goddess Pelehonuamea, her brother and shark god Kamohoali'i, rival demigod Kamapua'a and other Hawaiian deities affiliated with volcanoes. The restoration work was done thanks to an $8,000 grant by Tourism Cares, a $1,600 donation and 32 hours of service by the non-profit

Friends of Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Several pieces of Kāne's art are displayed in the nahonal park for the puhlie to enjoy. Kāne was considered one of the principal figures in the renaissance of the Hawaiian culture and was renown for his work illustrating the history and culture of the Hawaiian and

Polynesian islands. He was also a general designer and builder of the sailing eanoe Hōkūle'a, and he served as its first captain in 1975. Kāne died in 2011. Tourism Cares' mission is to preserve and enhanee the travel experience for future generations and awarded its "Tourism Cares Special Globus Grant" to the friends of the park organization. ■

The restoration work was done thanks to an $8,ooo grant by Tourism Cares, a $1,600 donation and 32 hours of service by the nonprofit Friends of Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park.

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Visitors admire fhe newly resfored Herb Kane mural, k Pantheon of Volcano Spirits, in Hawai'i Volcanoes Nalional Park's Jaggar Museum. - Photo: NPS/Stephen Geiger