Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 9, 1 September 2015 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Rfl&KE AUPUNI The Reel His+ory of Hawai i "lt was done very welL and wi+h great accuracy, so welL that MY YOUNG MO OPUNA CAN aLso watch and UNDERSTAND. Hawai'i lstand resident "AWESOME FILM. Presented in baLanced, non-judgmentaL way" - Haui resident "This is a realLy good, easy to understand "fiLm...our QUEEN'S OVERTHROW MADE MY HEART ACHE."- MeLe Apana PAlA KE AUPUNI: The ReeL History of Hawai'i telLs the story of the poLiticaL history of the Hawaiian peopLe from traditionaL times to the asserted annexation of Hawai'i by the United States in the n+h Century. Request a copy of the fiLm or downLoad a copy from www.kamakakoi.com/paa @HA kamakakoi.com/paa Q3SEJ3323I