Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 8, 1 August 2015 — Native Hawaiian Convention accepting registrations [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Native Hawaiian Convention accepting registrations

Registration is now open for the 14th annual Native Hawaiian Convention, hosted by the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, scheduled for Sept. 22-24 at the Hawai'i Convention Center. The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement hosts the event eaeh year to bring together community members and nonprofit sector leaders to work on policy development, collaborative solution building, resource outreach and capacity building. Sector-specific caucus meetings will be hosted by various CNHA member organizations seeking to work on policy priorities for 2016 with their industry peers. Featured caucuses include: Affordable Housing, Hawaiian Homesteads, Small Business and Eeonomie Development, Arts and Cultural Practitioners, Native Hawaiian Health, Native Hawaiian Education, Next Generation Leadership and Blue Continent. The event also features a Philanthropy Forum focused on bringing capacity and sharing projects funded by loeal and nahonal foundations to highlight best practices for nonprofits. The policy priorities developed at caucuses will be shared at a Policy Roundtable on the convention's hnal day. This featured event brings all caucus leaders together to present their top three priorities for addition to the CNHA Policy Priority list for 2016.

Registration for this year's eonvention is now available through the convention website at www. hawaiiancouncil.org. Questions ean also be directed to CNHA staff members via email to events@hawaiiancouncil.org or by calling (808) 596-8155.


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