Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2015 — Hula! Hula! Hula! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hula! Hula! Hula!
Hula in the summertime abounds as keiki to kūpuna grace the stage at these events in Honolulu: This version has been updated to reflect a new datefor He Lala Wau No Ku 'u Kumu He Lala Wau No Ku'u Kumu has been rescheduled for Sunday, Aug. 23 at 2 p.m. at Hawai'i Theatre
eenter. i nis eoneeii ny ts.iunu iiuia Mapuana de Silva featiu-es young dancers from age 4 to teens, assisted by thek Lei 'Āpiki 'anakē and the Lanihuli 'anakala (aunties and uncles), who often share a hula as well. Nearly eveiy yeai; Kumu de Silva presents both kaikamahine and keiki kāne at the Keiki Hula Competition. She says, "I can't take eveiy keiki dancer to that event, so I created this eoneeil to allow all the keiki students to shine." Tickets ai'e available from the theatre box office or online at hawaiitheatre.com. The 40th annual Queen Lili'uokalani Keiki Hula Competition, July 23, 24, 25, Neal S. Blaisdell Center Arena. Presented by the Kalihi-Pālama Culture & Aits Society and sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affaii-s, the competitions presents dancers age 5 to 12 showcasing thek achievements in ancient and modem hula. Over 400 young dancers will represent 23 hālau from O'ahu,
Maui, Kaua ī, Hawai ī lsland, Calilorma and Japan. ihursday, 6 p.m. is the Miss and Master Keiki Hula competition. Friday, 6 p.m. is the group hula kahiko and Satm-day, 1 p.m. is the group 'auana competition. Tickets ai-e available from the Blaisdell Center box office or Ticketmaster. The festival will be broadcast over three days Aug. 3, 4 and 5, from 6 to 9 p.m. at its new home, KFVE. A maiathon rebroadcast will show from noon to 9 p.m. Aug. 8. PA'I Foundation presents Hapa Haole Hula Competition and Concert, 7 pm. Aug. 1 at Hawai'i Theatre Center. Kumu Hula Vicky Holt Takamine brings back what many eall the "golden age" of hula, taking the audience and dancers back in time to the eai-ly 1900s. Remember the sound of Hawai'i Calls on the radio. Expect many eellophane and grass skiits and the vintage sound of soft guitai-s . A $ 1 ,000 cash prize is presented to the winner of the overall group performance. Categories include Miss Hapa Haole, Miss Comic Hula wahine and kane and eombined, age 14 and over, keiki 13 and under, and kūpuna 56 and up. Tickets available from the theatre box office. The 75th annual Nā Hula Festival, Sunday, Aug. 2, 9 a.m., at the Kapi'olani Pai-k Bandstand. The free event, staited in 1941, holds the title of the longest-running, annual noneompetitive hula festival in the Islands. The day begins with a performance by the Royal Hawaiian Band. Presented by the City and County of Honolulu, many of the participating kumu hula are instructors at various community pai-ks, others are foimer Lei Queens from the annual Lei Day Celebration. The all-day festival will include an appeaianee by the 2015 Lei Queen and Court. This is a day for the kumu to showcase theh haumana, or students. Bring a mat to sit on, mea 'ai (food) to muneh on and enjoy the show. — Lynn Cook
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