Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 7, 1 July 2015 — THE LEGACY OF A KING [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Almost two centuries after his death, King Kamehameha I continues to be honored in the month of June with festivities throughout the lslands. His legacy as the unifier of the Hawaiian lslands under a single rule is also honored in the halls of Capitol Hill with an annual lei-draping ceremony in Emaneipahon Hall at the Capitol Visitor Center. "Fourteen years he fought to unite the islands and he ruled 23 years," wrote author S.M. Kamakau. The king was remembered with hula, song, music, speeches and the presentation of long strands of lei, variously made of anthurium, orchid, maile and more. Those paying tribute include members of the lslands' congressional delegation, state lawmakers, Kaua'i Mayor Bernard Carvalho, OHA trustees and executives, and leaders in the Hawaiian community. From left are OHA Chairperson Robert Lindsey, Trustees Peter Apo, Lei Ahu lsa, Dan Ahuna and Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey. - Courtesy: īrustee Ahu lsa