Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2015 — MARKING A MILESTONE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees recently honored 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu, Chapter 1, Honolulu, to eommemorate the 1 10th anniversary of the group that traces its start to an Aug. 8, 1864, charter by Princess Victoria Kamāmalu, Queen Lili'uokalani and Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop. The Ka'ahumanu Society, as it was known, took its name from the Kuhina Nui of the Hawaiian Kingdom under Kamehameha the Great. The group disbanded in 1866 after the untimely death of Kamāmalu and was resurrected as the 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu, in 1 905. The OHA board presented a framed resolution of congratulations to chapter members May 28 at Nā Lama Kukui. The resolution honored the group for its many accomplishments, civic contributions and for its ability "to embrace and accept the ways of a new world while maintaining the culture and traditions of Hawai'i's host people, just as Queen Ka'ahumanu was a formidable change agent in the history of Hawai'i nei." Wearing two hats in this picture, so to speak, is OHA Trustee Lei Ahu lsa, fourth from left in back row, who is also a member of the royal benevolent society. The society has eight chapters anel more than 500 members across the lslands. - Photo: Pmneine Murray
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