Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 5, 1 Mei 2015 — Leadership program seeks applicants [ARTICLE]
Leadership program seeks applicants
Deadline is May 30 to apply for the First Nations' Future Program, a one-year fellowship for emerging leaders with a passion for land stewardship, including protecting and preserving cultural and natural resources. The fellowship offers a two-week institute at Stanford University, a Hawai'i leadership institute and a Hawai'i place-based project where learning ean be applied. FNFP was started in 2006 by Kamehameha Schools and Aotearoa's Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Today, partners are Sealaska/First Alaskans Institute, Stanford University Woods Institute for the Environment and the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa Center for Hawaiian Studies.
To apply, downloaded an applieation at ksbe.edu/admissions or eall (808) 842-8800 to request a mailed application. Applications are also available and ean be turned in to KS Resource Centers on eaeh island. Visitapps.ksbe.edu/resourcecenters to find the nearest location. For program information, visit fnfp.org, eall (808) 541-5346 or email fellowship@ksbe.edu.