Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 5, 1 May 2015 — Project Kuleana 2 debuts music videos [ARTICLE]

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Project Kuleana 2 debuts music videos

Project Kuleana 2 has released its newest music videos, Ka Na 'i Aupuni and Where are the Brothers, online at oiwi.tv/projectkuleana. The music videos, launched on May 2, are the result of a collaboration between Project Kuleana, Makauila and 'Ōiwi TV. OHA believes that Hawaiian music has the power to connect us to our cultural kuleana, our roles that grant us rights and responsibilities. Its kuleana to 'āina rooted in our ancestral ties to places of our 'ohana. Its kuleana born of our history and heritage that unites us with our kūpuna. Its kuleana to create unbreakable bonds joining our keiki and mo'opuna to their cultural inheritance. Firm in these beliefs, OHA, along with the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, are proud funders of Project Kuleana 2. Listen, watch, sing along and connect to your kuleana.