Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 5, 1 May 2015 — OHA helms Papahānaumokuākea board [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA helms Papahānaumokuākea board
Keola Lindsey of OHA is serving a one-year term as chairman of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine A Nahonal Monument management board.
whieh are endemic to the Hawaiian archipelago. The monument also provides habitat i for the endangered Hawaiian monk seal, I threatened green sea turtle and 14 million I seabirds. The area has cultural signifi-
Lindsey, who is OHA's Papahānaumokuākea Program manager, was elected by the seven-member board in January. He chaired his first board meehna in April.
eanee to the Hawaiian people. Established by presidential proclamation in 2006, the monument was inscribed in 2010 as a mixed (natural and cultural)
Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument is co-managed by the
Nahonal Oeeame and Atmosphenc Administration, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the state
World Heritage Site by UNESCO, or the U.N. Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization. Lindsey said he hopes the ^ co-management structure
Department of Land and Natural Resources and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. The board oversees day-to-day management of the 140,000-square-mile monument, one of the largest ' marine conservation areas i in the world, and home to i more than 7,000 marine I species, about a quarter of 1
of PMNM will continue to serve as a model k worldwide on how I indigenous peoples [ ean work with governmental agencies in managing resources. ■
Keola Lindsey. - Photo: Alexis Panoneillo