Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 5, 1 May 2015 — Training on writing grants, leadership development to start in May [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Training on writing grants, leadership development to start in May

Hi'ilei Aloha LLC, a nonprofit subsidiary of OHA, will be holding workshops on grant writing and leadership development from May 13 through July 26. Workshops are free and are meant for nonprofit organizations, community leaders and individuals who are interested in developing collaborative, grassroots efforts to improve community conditions. Grant writing workshop is a basic class on how to write a grant applieation. Attendees will learn basic grant writing techniques and strategies, and become familiar with key parts of grant applications, such as needs assessment, description of organizational capacity, project description, budgets and work plans. Participants will learn the difference between govemment, foundation and corporate grants, and will receive notification of upcoming grant opportunities. Leadership Development training takes plaee all day on Saturday and Sunday over four weekends. It is ideal for anyone who leads or would like to lead a community project or organization. The course explores self-knowledge, community knowledge, quadruple bottom line, servant leadership, cultural values, character, tradition-based leadership, eommunication skills, working in groups, conflict management, running effective meetings, project planning, project management and resource development. Here is the schedule of workshops. To register or for information, eall or email Jennifer at 596-8990 ext. 1013 orjenniferc@hiilei.org. ■

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