Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 4, 1 April 2015 — What's growing in Waimānalo, you ask? [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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What's growing in Waimānalo, you ask?

Aloha e nā 'ōiwi 'ōlino, nā pulapula a Hāloa, mai Hawai'i a Ni'ihau, puni ke ao mālamalama. Good ttiings are growing in Waimānalo as we work together ... Beautiful loeal fresh vegetables and fruit, outstanding farmers and value-added food producers, creative community artisans and the WAIMĀNALO MARKET CO-OP, former home ofMel'sMarket (41-1029 Kalaniana'ole Highway 96795), are growing in Waimānalo.

As reported in January 2014, this community-driven, consumer cooperative is the neighborhood's plaee to buy and sell loeal fresh produce, food products, crafts and artisan works. The dream is with community working together, WAIMĀNALO MARKET CO-OP increases

access to loeal fresh produce, increases small business opportunities and is a plaee to gather and learn from eaeh other, to achieve increased Waimānalo heahh, eeonomie and social wellbeing for all, mauka to makai. A recent visit found WAIMĀNALO MARKET CO-OP growing ... 82 loeal farmers and food producers from Waimānalo's agricultural lots, Hawaiian Homestead, beach lots, Weinberg Village, University of Hawai'i Go Farm participants and entrepreneurs, plus more, and more than 60 eommunity artisans and crafters, bring fruit, vegetables, food products, art, crafts, books eaeh week. What's New ... A Chamber of Commerce Hawai'i Public Heahh Grant to Waimānalo Heahh Center (WHC), includes WAIMĀNALO MARKET CO-OP hosting a series of Talk Story Sessions with loeal farmers, chefs, residents who like to eat and eook to share info on produce, loeal healthy recipes and demonstrations, open to WHC participants and the public. Visit website for schedule of Talk Story

gatherings that began March 9. Lisa Asagi of Feed The Hunger Foundation (FTHF), an outstanding food systemresource, is at the CO-OP Thursday mornings. Lisa offers loeal food system networking, expertise, information and referral, information about FTH loans and other possible resources, for loeal farmers, food system businesses and start-ups. WAIMĀNALO MARKET CO-OP is working to expand internship opportunities in the CO-OP market for at-risk and disadvantaged youth to learn about CO-OP market and farmers' market

operations, as well as learn from others about farming, other food production small business, and art and crafts cottage industry at the CO-OP, through a grant from the Consuelo Zobel Alger Foundation. WAIMĀNALO MARKET CO-OP opened for business on Nov. 14, 20 1 3 . A cold preparation eommercial kitchen to make grab-and-go foods, and refrigeration units are planned for the next phase of growth. A technical assistance grant from Kohala Center's Laulima Center cooperative development program is assisting the Co-op to improve its website design and social media reach. It takes hard work by many, commitment and leadership, for a cooperative market to keep the doors open and be self-sustaining. The WAIMĀNALO MARKET CO-OP Board of Directors are Miehael Buck, President; Stephen Morse, Vice President; Thomas Helper, Treasurer; Kehaulani Padilla, Secretary; and Directors Kaleo Mahoe, Laurie Freed, Luana Alhinio, Bernie Strand, Mike Bunyan and Nina 0'Donnell. The Board along with Martha Ross, General Manager, and a growing number of volunteers, members, pro bono professionals and businesses and organizations, including Waimānalo Heahh Center, SCORE, Kohala Center's Laulima Center, Kōkua Market, UH CTAHR Sustainable & Organic Program and Go Farm, and many others have stepped up for the challenge. Ways to support this Waimānalo community social enterprise ... VISIT, SHOP, JOIN AS A MEMBER, VOLUNTEER, COME TO THE CO-OP TO FIND OUT HOW YOU MAY BE ABLE TO SELL YOUR FAMILY'S FRUITS, VEGGIES, BAKED GOODS AND OTHER FOOD PRODUCTS, PLANTS, ART AND CRAFTS at the WAIMĀNALO MARKET CO-OP. The CO-OP has brought back the community newspaper, 96795 News. Visit www.waimanalo market.com and FACEBOOK page, or email martha@waimanalomarket.com for more info. Hiki no kākou - together we ean. Take a ride to Waimānalo and eome visit the CO-OP. 28/48 ■

Haunani Apnlinna, MSW

TrustEE, At-largE

Trustee Apoliona on a recentvisit to Waimānalo Market Co-op. - Courtesy photo