Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2015 — Financial literacy boost [ARTICLE]
Financial literacy boost
The California-based Rose Foundation has awarded Hawai'i Community Assets $100,000 to increase the hnaneial capabilities of 500 low-ineome Native Hawaiians and Paeihe Islanders in 2015. Funds will launeh HCA's Kahua Waiwai Financial Training Institute, designed to create hnaneial trainer positions to build the next generation of community hnanee and banking professionals. According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Native Hawaiians and Paeihe Islanders are less likely to have bank accounts and more likely to use high-cost pay-day loans, check-cashing services and other alternative hnaneial services to make ends meet. The program will deliver hnaneial workshops, counseling and other programs to reduce Native Hawaiians' and Paeihe Islanders' use of altemative hnaneial services while boosting their hnaneial heahh. For more information, contact program coordinator Lahela Williams at (808) 587-7660 orlahela@ hawaiiancommunity. net .
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