Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 4, 1 April 2015 — Kakaʻako Makai feedbatk solicited [ARTICLE]

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Kakaʻako Makai feedbatk solicited

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is seeking additional input as it plans the future of Kaka'ako Makai. In late February and early March, OHA held a series of meetings on all islands seeking ideas on the future of the 30 acres of land it owns in the area of Kaka'ako makai of Ala Moana Boulevard. Three questions were asked of participants: 1) How would you describe an urban Hawaiian space? 2) What uses would best support both commerce and culture in Kaka'ako Makai? and 3) Ineome generated from Kaka'ako Makai could be used to (fill in the hlank). Additional input is being solicited through OHA's Kaka'ako Makai website at www.oha.org/ kakaako. The site is expected to be updated to seek feedback in other areas in the next few months. The masterplanning process is in its infancy and puhlie comment will be solicited through the website over the next several months.